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[Unity 组件参考手册]桌面:动画视图指南之使用动画曲线









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发表于 2013-2-18 17:03:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The Property List 属性列表In an Animation Clip, any animatable property can have an Animation Curve, which means that the Animation Clip controls that property. In the property list of the Animation View properties with Animation Curves have colored curve indicators. For information on how to add curves to an animation property, see the section on Using the Animation View.在动画剪辑中,任何可编辑动画属性都可能有动画曲线(Animation Curve),也就是动画剪辑控件的属性。在动画面板(Animation View )的属性中,动画曲线(Animation Curves)是彩色曲线图标。如何添加曲线的动画属性的信息,请参阅使用动画面板。A Game Object can have quite a few components and the property list in the Animation View can get very long. To show only the properties that have Animation Curves, click the lower left button in the Animation View to set its state to Show: Animated.游戏对象可以有很多的动画控件并且动画面板中可能有很多属性。如果你想只显示有动画曲线的属性,单击动画面板左下角的按钮(如图),设置其状态 显示动画(Show: Animated)。
Set the toggle button in the lower left corner to Show: Animated to hide all the properties without Animation Curves from the property list.
点击左下角按钮,显示动画(Show: Animated ),可以从属性列表中,隐藏所有没有动画曲线属性属性。
Understanding Curves, Keys and Keyframes
了解曲线、键和关键帧An Animation Curve has multiple keys which are control points that the curve passes through. These are visualized in the Curve Editor as small diamond shapes on the curves. A frame in which one or more of the shown curves have a key is called a keyframe. The keyframes are shown as white diamonds in the Keyframe Line.动画曲线由多个控制点(key)控制。在曲线编辑中,这些在曲线上像钻石形状的控制点(key)是可视的。在时间轴上标记上一个或多个具有一个键的帧被称为一个关键帧。关键帧在关键帧线(如图:时间轴下)上是白色钻石形状。If a property has a key in the currently previewed frame, the curve indicator will have a diamond shape.如果一个属性在当前预览帧有一个Key,曲线标记将变成一个钻石形状。
The Rotation.y property has a key at the currently previewed frame. The Keyframe Line marks the keyframes for all shown curves.这个旋转Y轴属性有一控制点(key)在当前预览的帧。所有曲线的关键帧(Keyframe )都显示在关键帧线上。The Keyframe Line only shows keyframes for the curves that are shown. If a property is selected in the property list, only that property is shown, and the Keyframe Line will not mark the keys of the curves that are not shown.关键帧线上只显示关键帧的。如果选择其中一个属性,关键帧线不会标记关键帧,那些不显示在曲线上控制点(key)。
When a property is selected, other properties are not shown and the keys of their curves are not shown in the Keyframe Line.
【Adding and Moving Keyframes 添加和移除关键帧】
The Keyframe Line shows the keyframes of the currently shown curves. You can add a keyframe by double-clicking the Keyframe Line or by using the Keyframe button.关键帧线显示当前显示的曲线的关键帧。你可以通过双击的关键帧线或通过使用关键帧按钮添加一个关键帧。A keyframe can be added at the currently previewed frame by clicking the Keyframe button or at any given frame by double-clicking the Keyframe Line at the frame where the keyframe should be. This will add a key to all the shown curves at once. It is also possible to add a keyframe by right-clicking the Keyframe Line and select Add Keyframe from the context menu. Once placed, keyframes can be dragged around with the mouse. It is also possible to select multiple keyframes to drag at once. Keyframes can be deleted by selecting them and pressing Delete, or by right-clicking on them and selecting Delete Keyframe from the context menu.可以单击"关键帧"按钮或通过双击关键帧线的关键帧添加一个关键帧在当前预览中。这将在曲线上添加一个控制点(key)。也可以在关键帧线上用鼠标右键单击,选择添加关键帧。添加一个关键帧,添加后,关键帧可以被拖动。也可以一次选择多个关键帧拖动。如果想删除关键帧:选择关键帧,直接按Delete键,或者鼠标右键,选择删除关键帧。
【Wrap Mode 循环模式】An Animation Clip in Unity can have various Wrap Modes that can for example set the Animation Clip to loop. See WrapMode in the Scripting Reference to learn more. The Wrap Mode of an Animation Clip can be set in the Animation View in the lower right selection box. The Curve View will preview the selected Wrap Mode as white lines outside of the time range of the Animation Clip.在Unity中,动画剪辑有不同的播放模式,例如可以设置为循环。 了解更多请看脚本手册中的 WrapMode介绍。在动画面板右下角选择框的中可以设置循环(loop)。曲线视图将非白线部分设置为的播放的片段。
Setting the Wrap Mode of an Animation Clip will preview that Wrap Mode in the Curve View.
【Supported Animatable Properties 支持动画的属性】The Animation View can be used to animate much more than just the position, rotation, and scale of a Game Object. The properties of any Component and Material can be animated - even the public variables of your own scripts components. Making animations with complex visual effects and behaviors is only a matter of adding Animation Curves for the relevant properties.动画视图,可以用来制作动画,不只是游戏物体的位置,旋转和大小的改变。任何控件和材料的属性可以是控制,甚至是你自己的脚本组件的公共变量。制作复杂的视觉效果和行为的动画,只需要添加相关的属性和动画曲线。The following types of properties are supported in the animation system:动画系统支持以下类型的属性:    Float
    Quaternion Arrays are not supported and neither are s***cts or objects other than the ones listed above.数组、结构体、object 是不支持的Booleans in script components are not supported by the animation system, but booleans in certain built-in components are. For those booleans, a value of 0 equals False while any other value equals ***e.脚本中的布尔值 是不支持的,但是某些内置组件的布尔值是支持的,对于布尔值0等同于false 非0为***eHere are a few examples of the many things the Animation View can be used for:这里有几个例子,在动画视图可以被用到:    Animate the Color and Intensity of a Light to make it blink, flicker, or pulsate.
    Animate the Pitch and Volume of a looping Audio Source to bring life to blowing wind,&nbsp***nning engines, or flowing water while keeping the sizes of the sound assets to a minimum.
    Animate the Texture Offset of a Material to simulate moving belts or tracks, flowing water, or special effects.
    Animate the Emit state and Velocities of multiple Ellipsoid Particle Emitters to create spectacular fireworks or fountain displays.
    Animate variables of your own script components to make things behave differently over time.
    动画中改变自己脚本的变量,使其随时间变化,表现出不同效果。 When using Animation Curves to control game logic, please be aware of the way animations are played back and sampled in Unity.当使用动画曲线来控制游戏逻辑,请注意动画播放和取样方式。
【Rotation Interpolation Types 旋转插值类型】In Unity rotations are internally represented as Quaternions. Quaternions consist of .x, .y, .z, and .w values that should generally not be modified manually except by people who know exactly what they're doing. Instead, rotations are typically manipulated using Euler Angles which have .x, .y, and .z values representing the rotations around those three respective axes.在Unity系统中旋转表示为四元数。四元数,X,Y,Z和W值,一般不能手动修改,除非你很熟悉它。相反,旋转通常使用欧拉角,X,Y,和z值代表围绕这三个轴各自的旋转角度。When interpolating between two rotations, the interpolation can either be performed on the Quaternion values or on the Euler Angles values. The Animation View lets you choose which form of interpolation to use when animating Transform rotations. However, the rotations are always shown in the form of Euler Angles values no matter which interpolation form is used.无论是四元数模式还是欧拉角都可以旋转角。动画视图,你可以选择用哪种插值模式控制旋转。然而,无论是使用插值模式,都显示为欧拉角值。
Transform rotations can use Euler Angles interpolation or Quaternion interpolation.
【Quaternion Interpolation 四元数插值】Quaternion interpolation always generates nice interpolations along the shortest path between two rotations. This avoids rotation interpolation artifacts such as Gimbal Lock. However, Quaternion interpolation cannot represent rotations larger than 180 degrees, because it is then shorter to go the other way around. If you use Quaternion interpolation and place two keys further apart than 180 degrees, the curve will look discontinuous, even though the actual rotation is still smooth - it simply goes the other way around, because it is shorter. If rotations larger than 180 degrees are desired, additional keys must be placed in between. When using Quaternion interpolation, changing the keys or tangents of one curve may also change the shapes of the other two curves, since all three curves are created from the internal Quaternion representation. When using Quaternion interpolation, keys are always linked, so that creating a key at a specific time for one of the three curves will also create a key at that time for the other two curves.四元数插值总是会产生很好的插值沿着两个旋转之间的最短路径。这就避免了的旋转时出现问题,如万向节死锁。然而,四元数插值不能代表旋转大于180度的,因为它太短。如果你使用四元数插值在两个连续点超过180度,曲线看起来不连续的,但是实际的旋转仍然是光滑的 。如果旋转大于180度的需要,额外的控制点(key)必须被放置在两者之间。当使用四元数插值时,改变一个控制点(key)或一条曲线可能改变其他两条曲线的形状的,因为有三条曲线。当使用四元数插值,控制点(key)总是联系在一起的,所以,创建控制点的三条曲线在一个特定的时间,也将创建控制点在当时的其他两条曲线。
Placing two keys 270 degrees apart when using Quaternion interpolation will cause the interpolated value to go the other way around, which is only 90 degrees.
使用四元数 控制2个控制点之间旋转270°,但只旋转90°。
Euler Angles Interpolation 欧拉角插值Euler Angles interpolation is what most people are used to working with. Euler Angles can represent arbitrary large rotations and the .x, .y, and .z curves are independent from each other. Euler Angles interpolation can be subject to artifacts such as Gimbal Lock when rotating around multiple axes at the same time, but are intuitive to work with for simple rotations around one axis at a time. When Euler Angles interpolation is used, Unity i=nternally bakes the curves into the Quaternion representation used internally. This is similar to what happens when importing animation into Unity from external programs. Note that this curve baking may add extra keys in the process and that tangents with the Constant tangent type may not be completely precise at a sub-frame level.欧拉角的插值是大多数人都习惯使用的。欧拉角可以表示任意大的旋转并且X,Y,与Z轴的旋转是相互独立的。欧拉角的插值可能在绕多个轴同时旋转时,受到如万向节死锁围影响,但只旋转一个轴时,直观而且简单。当欧拉角插值的方法,unity内部烘焙曲线使用四元数表示。这是类似于,当从外部程序的导入动画到unity中。请注意,在这个过程中,这条曲线烘烤可以添加额外的键,该切线与常切线类型可能不是完全的准确程度,是在一个子帧中的水平。【来源:互联网】
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