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[插件资源] [Unity 组件参考手册]桌面:动画视图指南之使用动画视图









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发表于 2013-2-18 17:00:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The Animation View can be used to preview and edit Animation Clips for animated Game Objects in Unity. The Animation View can be opened from the Window->Animation menu.动画视图 (Animation View)可用于预览和编辑在Unity中游戏对象(Game Objects)的动画剪辑(Animation Clip)。动画视图可以从菜单"Window" -> "Animation"打开。Viewin Animations on a GameObject
在游戏对象上查看动画The Animation View is tightly integrated with the Hierarchy View, the Scene View, and the Inspector. Like the Inspector, the Animation View will show whatever Game Object is selected. You can select a Game Object to view using the Hierarchy View or the Scene View. (If you select a Prefab in the Project View you can inspect its animation curves as well, but you have to drag the Prefab into the Scene View in order to be able to edit the curves.)动画视图是和层级视图(Hierarchy View)、场景试图(Scene View)以及检视面板(Inspector)紧密的联系在一起的。和检视面板一样,在动画视图中将会显示一个任何被选中的游戏对象。您可以使用层级视图或场景视图以便选择游戏对象。 (如果您选择了在项目视图中的预制物体,您同样也可以查看它的动画曲线,但是您必须拖动这个预制物体到场景视图中才能够编辑动画曲线)。
The Animation View shows the Game Object selected in the Hierarchy View.
动画视图显示了层级视图中选择的游戏对象。At the left side of the Animation View is a hierarchical list of the animatable properties of the selected Game Object. The list is ordered by the Components and Materials attached to the Game Object, just like in the Inspector. Components and Materials can be folded and unfolded by clicking the small triangles next to them. If the selected Game Object has any child Game Objects, these will be shown after all of the Components and Materials.动画视图的左栏是一个以层次结构显示被选择的游戏对象的动画属性的列表。在这个列表上排列着所有关联到这个游戏对象的组件(Components)和材质(Materials),就和在检视面板里一样。可通过点击旁边的小三角形折叠或展开组件及材质。如果所选择的游戏对象有子游戏对象,将显示所有物体及子物体的组件和材料。
The property list to the left in the Animation View shows the Components and Materials of the selected Game Object, just like the Inspector.
Creating a New Animation Clip 创建新的动画剪辑Animated Game Objects in Unity need an Animation Component that controls the animations. If a Game Object doesn't already have an Animation Component, the Animation View can add one for you automatically when creating a new Animation Clip or when entering Animation Mode.在Unity中有动画的游戏对象需要有动画组件(Animation Component)以便控制动画。如果游戏对象还没有动画组件,在创建一个新的动画剪辑或进入动画模式(Animation Mode)时,动画视图会为您自动添加一个。To create a new Animation Clip for the selected Game Object, click the right of the two selection boxes at the upper right of the Animation View and select [Create New Clip]. You will then be prompted to save an Animation Clip somewhere in your Assets folder. If the Game Object doesn't have an Animation Component already, it will be automatically added at this point. The new Animation Clip will automatically be added to the list of Animations in the Animation Component.要为所选择的游戏对象创建一个新的动画剪辑,单击动画视图左栏上方两个选择框中右侧的那一个,选择[创建新的剪辑](Create New Clip)。然后您将被提示在您的资源文件夹中选择一个保存动画剪辑的地方。如果游戏对象还没有动画组件,它将会在这个时候被自动添加至游戏对象。新的动画剪辑会被自动添加到动画组件的动画列表中。
Create a new Animation Clip.创建新的动画剪辑。In the Animation View you can always see which Game Object you are animating and which Animation Clip you are editing. There are two selection boxes in the upper left of the Animation View. The left selection box shows the Game Object with the Animation Component attached, and the right selection box shows the Animation Clip you are editing.在动画视图中,您总能看到您选择的游戏对象和您正在编辑的动画剪辑。在动画视图的左上方有两个选择框。左边的选择框显示了关联了动画组件的游戏对象,而右边的选择框则显示了您正在编辑的动画剪辑。
The left selection box shows the Game Object with the Animation Component attached, and the right selection box shows the Animation Clip you are editing.
Animating a Game Object 给游戏对象添加动画To begin editing an Animation Clip for the selected Game Object, click on the Animation Mode button.Click the Animation Mode button to enter Animation Mode.
点击"动画模式"按钮(Animation Mode Button)以进入动画模式。This will enter Animation Mode, where changes to the Game Object are stored into the Animation Clip. (If the Game Object doesn't have an Animation Component already, it will be automatically added at this point. If there is not an existing Animation Clip, you will be prompted to save one somewhere in your Assets folder.)这样将进入动画模式,并导入游戏对象至动画剪辑中。 (如果游戏对象还没有动画组件,它将会在这个时候被自动关联至游戏对象。假如还不存在一个现有的动画剪辑,系统将会提示在您的资源(Assets)文件夹中选择一个保存动画剪辑的地方。)You can stop the Animation Mode at any time by clicking the Animation Mode button again. This will revert the Game Object to the state it was in prior to entering the Animation Mode.您可以在任何时候再次单击"动画模式"按钮以便退出动画模式。这样将把游戏对象还原至进入动画模式之前的状态。You can animate any of the properties shown in the property list of the Animation View. To animate a property, click on the Key Indicator for that property and choose Add Curve from the menu. You can also select multiple properties and right click on the selection to add curves for all the selected properties at once. (Transform properties are special in that the .x, .y, and .z properties are linked, so that curves are added three at a time.)您可以编辑任何一个在动画视图属性列表中显示的属性。单击该属性的指标指示器(Key Indicator),并从菜单中选择"添加动画曲线"(Add Curve) 以编辑一个属性。您也可以选择多个属性并单击右键以给所有选定的属性添加曲线。(变换组件(Transform)的属性比较特殊,由于. x 、.y 、和.z属性是有联系的,所以添加曲线时会一次性给三个属性同时添加曲线。)
Any property can be animated by clicking on its Key Indicator or by right clicking on its name. For Transform properties, curves for .x, .y, and .z are added together.
任何动画属性都可以通过点击其指标指示器或用鼠标右键单击它的名字以对其赋予动画曲线。而变换(Transform)的属性,.x 、.y 、.z的曲线是一起加上去的。When in Animation Mode, a red vertical line will show which frame of the Animation Clip is currently previewed. The Inspector and Scene View will show the Game Object at that frame of the Animation Clip. The values of the animated properties at that frame are also shown in a column to the right of the property names.在动画模式中,一个红色的垂直线将会显示在此动画剪辑中当前预览的帧。检视面板和场景视图将显示在此帧中的游戏对象。在此帧中的属性的值显示在左栏里属性名右边的列中。
In Animation Mode a red vertical line shows the currently previewed frame. The animated values at that frame are previewed in the Inspector and Scene View and to the right of the property names in the Animation View.
在动画模式中,一个红色的垂直线显示了在此动画剪辑中当前预览的帧。在此帧中的各个属性的值被预览到了场景试图、检视面板中及动画视图左栏属性名的右侧。You can click anywhere on the Time Line to preview or modify that frame in the Animation Clip. The numbers in the Time Line are shown as seconds and frames, so 1:30 means 1 second and 30 frames.您可以点击时间线上的任何地方以进行对本动画剪辑此帧的编辑或预览。时间线(Time Line)中的数字代表秒数及帧数,如1:30等于1秒30帧。Click in the Time Line to preview a given frame.
You can go directly to a specific frame by typing it in, or use the buttons to go to the previous or next keyframe.
您可以通过直接键入帧数来进行浏览,或者也可以使用按钮去上一个或下一个关键帧(KeyFrame) 。You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate between frames:您还可以使用以下键盘快捷键来浏览帧:    Press Comma (,) to go to the previous frame. 按逗号(,)去前一帧。
    Press Period (.) to go to the next frame. 按句号(。)去下一帧。
    Hold Alt and press Comma (,) to go to the previous keyframe. 按住Alt键,然后按逗号(,)去前一个关键帧。
    Hold Alt and press Period (.) to go to the next keyframe. 按住Alt键,然后按句号(。)去下一个关键帧。In Animation Mode you can move, rotate, or scale the Game Object in the Scene View. This will automatically create Animation Curves for the position, rotation, and scale properties of the Animation Clip if they didn't already exist, and keys on those Animation Curves will automatically be created at the currently previewed frame to store the respective Transform values you changed.在动画模式中,您可以移动,旋转或缩放在场景视图中的游戏对象。假如还没有一个现有的动画曲线,那么动画视图将会自动为动画剪辑创建位置、旋转值及缩放值属性的动画曲线(Animation Curve),还将存储相应的变换属性值的改变,这些动画曲线的键值会自动放置在在当前所处的帧中。You can also use the Inspector to modify any of the animatable properties of the Game Object. This too will create Animation Curves as needed, and create keys on those Animation Curves at the currently previewed frame to store your changed values. Properties that are not animatable are grayed out in the Inspector while in Animation Mode.您还可以使用检视面板修改游戏对象的任意一个可被编辑的属性。这也将创建动画曲线,并在这些动画曲线上当前正在预览的帧上创建键值(Keys)以存储更改后的值。在动画模式中检视面板里不能被动画视图编辑的属性是灰色的。The Keyframe button creates a keyframe for the shown curves at the currently previewed frame (shortcut: K).
关键帧按钮(KeyFrame Button)会为当前预览的帧所显示的曲线创建一个关键帧(快捷键:K)。You can also manually create a keyframe using the Keyframe button. This will create a key for all the curves that are currently shown in the Animation View. If you want to only show curves for a subset of the properties in the property list, you can select those properties. This is useful for selectively adding keys to specific properties only.您可以通过使用"关键帧"按钮手动创建一个关键帧。这将会为动画视图中所有的曲线创建一个键值。如果您只想看到属性列表中的一小部分属性的动画曲线,您可以选择那些属性。这非常适用于选择性地为某一些属性添加键值。
When selecting a property in the property list, only the curve for that property is shown.
Playback 播放The Animation Clip can be played back at anytime by clicking the Play button in the Animation View.可以在任何时候通过在动画视图中单击"播放"按钮(Play Button)以播放动画剪辑。Click the Play button to play back the Animation Clip. 单击"播放"按钮来播放动画剪辑。The playback will loop within the time range that is shown in the Time Line. This makes it possible to focus on refining a small part of the Animation Clip that is being worked on, without having to play back the entire length of the clip. To play back the whole length of the Animation Clip, zoom out to view the entire time range, or press F to Frame Select with no keys selected. To learn more about navigating the Curve View, see the section on Editing Animation Curves.动画剪辑将在时间线(Time Line)中所显示的时间范围内循环播放。这使你能够专注于改善正在编辑的动画剪辑中的一小部分,而不需要回放整个剪辑。缩放时间线以查看整个时间范围或者在不选择任何键值的情况下按F键选择帧之后即可播放整个动画剪辑。要了解更多关于浏览曲线视图(Curve View)的信息,请参阅编辑动画曲线。【来源:互联网】
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