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[结构设计] 新冶组设计新作 | 梵克酒吧的新生:闽西首家赛博朋克主...









Rank: 2

发表于 2019-4-16 17:02:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
随着消费人群及需求的迭代,老牌的酒吧派对空间正迎来一波改造“变身”潮。新冶认为, “重新装修”只是表象,更为根本的是全面革新的问题,它包含品牌形象的蜕变、新业态的定位及软硬件支撑、市场竞争壁垒的建立、运营效率的提升等。换句话说,好的、负责任的设计应是全方位的思考、系统化的设计解决方案及密切合作的落地执行。

赛博朋克描绘的世界仅存在于人类想象中的世界,却引发人们无尽遐想。而今,通过高科技手段即可建造出一梦似幻的赛博朋克世界。由新冶组最新设计的VAN CLEEF梵克酒吧,就让这样的梦幻景象真实上演。
The world depicted by cyberpunk only exists in the world of human imagination, but it arouses people's endless thoughts. Today, it is possible to create a cyberpunk fantasy world through high-tech means. The new VAN CLEEF bar, designed by Newera Design, makes dreamscape come true.   


VAN CLEEF 梵克,位于福建龙岩新罗区,是一间经典老牌酒吧,在当地享有盛誉,拥有众多消费粉丝,深受喜爱,但过往的娱乐形态及室内设计已无法适应新的客群需求和竞争需要。如何让老厂牌华丽升级,焕发全新活力,持续扩大市场份额和品牌魅力是新冶组接到本案委托后面对的核心议题。            
VAN CLEEF, located in Xinluo district, Longyan, Fujian province was a classic old bar, which enjoys a high reputation in the local area, has a large number of fans, and is deeply loved. However, the entertainment form and interior design in the past can no longer meet the needs of new customers and competition. How to make the old brand gorgeously upgrade, radiate new vitality, continue to expand the market share and brand charm, which is the core issue after Newera Design received this case commissioned.   


基于品牌历史及当地市场特点的研究之上,新冶组提出了颠覆式的解决方案:彻底摒弃原有的娱乐空间环境,而以“科技时尚为向导、以舞台为执念”的设计概念做出全新定位, 将VAN CLEEF 梵克打造成闽西首家以“赛博朋克”为主题的派对空间,实现品牌、产品、客群体验升级蜕变及市场差异化竞争的目标满足。                     
Based on brand history and research of the characteristics of the local market, Newera Design puts forward the subversive solution: completely abandon the original entertainment space environment, and regard "fashionable science and technology as the guide, the stage for obsession" as the design concept to make new positioning to make the VAN CLEEF be Western Fujian's first party space with the theme of "cyberpunk", realizing upgrading and transformation of the brand, products, and customers’ experience and the goal satisfaction of market differentiation competition.   




In this 1200 square metre’ tall space, The designer takes the sacred "angel's wing" as inspiration, sets the exaggerated column structure in the overall space, and gives the space the powerful visual impact feeling through the technique of superposition and dislocation.The design focuses on the performance of lighting, sound effects, dance, create a new experience place for music and playing, with the "sound, light, electricity, film", the guests can have the luxury party experience. The hall adopts the top lighting equipment and world-class lighting control system to control the line beam. The infinite combination of light changes forms a gorgeous light show scene, bringing a shock experience without limit. Combined with the professional choreography team's all-round upgrading performance, you will experience an unprecedented entertainment experience of the unique music style.   

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摩登的星空紫与代表未来的电光蓝色,交织在这个空间之内,延伸着的几何图形如穿梭在星云之间的飞船轨道一般勾勒出VAN CLEEF 梵克室内空间的轮廓。 极富科技感的娱乐空间带你走进梦境般的世界,重新解构平日真实生活的深夜舞台,释放与重塑之间,带来挑动视觉、冲击心灵的动感体验。  赛博朋克的世界并非遥不可及,已真实地在VAN CLEEF 梵克酒吧上演, 而龙岩夜生活新潮流将从这里开始……                           
The space is interwoven with the purple of the modern sky and the electric blue of the future, and the extended geometric shapes  looks like the spacecraft orbits through the nebulae,drawing the outline of the interior space of VAN CLEEF. The entertainment space with rich sense of science and technology takes you go into the dream-like world, reconstructs the late night stage of daily life, between the releases and the remodeling, brings the dynamic experience of provoking vision and striking the heart. The world of cyberpunk is not out of reach. It already happened at VAN CLEEF, and the new fashion trend of Longyan nightlife will start here...   

项目面积:1200 m²
项目地点:福建 龙岩
Project name: Fujian Longyan VAN CLEEF bar
Design unit: Shenzhen Newera Design  Co., Ltd.
Designer of the main case : Yellow Chan
Area: 1200 m²
Completion date: February 2019
Location: Longyan, Fujian

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