- 最后登录
- 2019-1-30
- 注册时间
- 2017-10-10
- 阅读权限
- 90
- 积分
- 5985
- 纳金币
- 2041
- 精华
- 4
- 模糊和干净的反射。
- 基于法线贴图的颠簸反射。
- 基于纹理遮罩反射区域。
- 兼容unity4和unity5。
- 与移动平台兼容。
- 与任何dx9,dx11和openGL平台兼容。
- 演示场景和源代码包括在内。
A rich features planar reflection package.Reflection effect works in editor and playing mode.
- Blurred and clean reflection.
- Bumped reflection based on normal map.
- Mask reflection region based on texture.
- Compatible with unity4 and unity5.
- Compatible with mobile platform.
- Compatible with any dx9, dx11 and openGL platform.
- Demo scene and source code included.