Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher.
You want your character to walk, run, jump, fight, sneak, take cover and do all those things with or without weapons? We got you covered.Inspired by combat in games like Mass effect, Division, Ghost Recon Online, we made an asset to help unity developers to make those kinds of combat systems without spending months prototyping gameplay in C# and thousands of dollars for animations. Patch 1.2
- New mobile controls
- Animations tweaked to look better on mobile from top camera.
- Added AI field of view.
Patch 1.1
Added many AI improvements
-AI can use covers. The ability can be configured or turned off completely. Features include moving from cover to cover and taking a peek to fire at an enemy.
AI knows how to avoid recoil, fires in bursts.
AI uses path-finding to move around a map and avoid obstacles.
AI are aware of each other and avoid standing close together.
AI dynamically evaluates the situation and takes decisions based on the changes.
AI knows when to reload before taking a peek to avoid running out of bullets mid-fire.
AI can retreat when dealt enough damage.
Retreat can be configured to use covers. Future updates:
We plan to make this asset a complete package to make a cover shooter. Will add more animations, more guns, items management, enemy factions, multiplayer, menu system.