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1 Introduction
HumMod [Hester et al. 2011] models interactions between the cardiovascular,
respiratory, renal, neural, endocrine, skeletal muscle,
and metabolic physiologies. One of the difficulties which must be
overcome with HumMod is the fact that the number of parameters
is prohibitive in developing a clear and comprehensive view
of the interactions between parameters. Currently the HumMod
model contains more than 5000 variables. Therefore, good visualization
techniques are needed to discern non-obvious relationships
between variables. We present HumMod Navigator, a multiplescale
physiology data browser for exploring casual relationships of
time-varying human modeling data. The visualization makes use
of a circular layout and hierarchical relations to effectively visualize
interactions between model parameters in an attempt to obtain
both a local and comprehensive view of the physiological modeling
2 Parameter Interactions and Our Methods
In HumMod Navigator (Fig. 1, the first type of interaction
represented is the hierachical relationship. Every parameter
used in HumMod has an assigned “global” name. For
example, Co2Total includes the parameters or global names
of CO2.CO2Total.Inflow and CO2.CO2Total.Outflow.
Each global name is made up of three distinct components, namely
CO2, CO2Total, and Inflow, and CO2, CO2Total, and
Outflow. This represents the fact that within the folder describing
CO2, and the specific file describing CO2Total, there are local
elements corresponding to both Inflow and Outflow.
A second type of relationship is the functional relationships.
Each XML file for a parameter details the dependence of
its value on the value of other parameters. For example,
the XML file details the dependence of the value of
CO2.CO2Total.Inflow on the value of parameters corresponding
to the outflow of CO2 from other body organs, as well as
the dependence of the value of CO2.CO2Total.Outflow
on the values of Lung.LungCO2.Expired and
CO2.CO2Tools.LitersToMols. These relationships
constitute the functional relationships between different global
To combine both the hierarchical and functional interactions, we
designed HumMod Navigator by employing the technique of
Holten [Holten 2006] which uses hierarchical information to induce
edge bundling. Cubic splines are used for the edges, and the possible
control points are determined by drawing the hierarchical trees
along circular rings moving inward. Possible control points along
the innermost ring (those points corresponding to level 0 names)
may be thought of as being connected by an inner cycle. The control
points for an edge between nodes i and j are chosen to be the
points corresponding to a shortest path between i and j along the
interior nodes of the circle.
e-mail: zgpan@cad.zju.edu.cn
†e-mail: rhester@umc.edu
‡e-mail: jian.chen@usm.edu
Figure 1: View of Hierarchical Tree around inner ring. The node
at the center of the figure corresponds to the level 0 name. From the
adjacent node on the left, the nodes clockwise around the cycle cor-
respond to the level 2 names given on the right. Edges from these
nodes to the root have been suppressed, except for the rightmost and
leftmost neighbor. The level 2 names can be projected downward
onto the inner circle to determine their associated global name pa-
Each parameter is time varying and interpreting such data imposes
cognitive and perceptual load to physiologists. To address this issue,
we further show variations through a perceptually unformed
coloring space. A color space is said to be perceptually uniform if
the perceptual difference between any two colors in just noticeable
difference units is equal to the Euclidean distance between the two
colors in that color space. Figure 1 shows the result of the parameter
variances coloring mapped to the L*a*b color space at L=60 for
a half-an-hour simulation of a normal person.
Each node in the surrounding forest of hierarchical trees can be
selected. Upon selection, this highlights the adjacent nodes (and
corresponding edges) for all descendants of the selected node. At
the lowest level, this gives a local view of parameter interaction.
Selecting a node at a higher level in the hierarchical tree gives a
semi-local, semi-global view of parameter interaction. The second
important aspect of the diagrammatic view of the model was that
the overall structure of the model could be viewed at a glance.
W., SUMMERS, R., AND COLEMAN, T. 2011. Hummod:
A modeling environment for the simulation of integrative human
physiology. Frontiers in Computational Physiology And
Medicine 2, 12.
HOLTEN, D. 2006. Hierarchical edge bundles: Visualization of
adjacency relations in hierarchical data. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 741–748. |