调研目的: 中国第一本3D打印行业月刊《3D打印世界》的发行者——再生时代文化传播有限公司与国际数据公司(IDC)携手合作,将推出中国3D打印产业年度研究报告,该报告将为您深度透析中国3D打印市场的现状与突破,以及中国3D打印厂商如何进军并渗透国外市场。 该报告将聚焦中国3D打印市场的现状及其发展前景。在中国,各行业领域都在积极思考探索自身发展与3D打印技术的结合,3D打印在未来几年内在中国市场必将迎来发展的新高峰。IDC相信,3D打印将对中国一些行业的转变产生重要的影响,其中包括时尚、制造业和医疗行业。随着中国工业4.0计划的推进,3D打印将以较早的教育行业为应用起点,发掘出更多的机会,开拓更广阔的发展空间。 这份报告预计将于2015年12月发布。其中包含一些重要的分析评价,包括中国2015-2019年3D打印行业的市场规模分析及预测、2014年中国3D打印市场 Top 20 3D打印供应商、关于中国3D打印市场的垂直性分析评价,以及政府举措对3D打印市场发展的影响。 该份报告将发布在IDC官网,与IDC撰写的其它行业的报告一样,这些数据和分析将供包括世界500强企业、华尔街资本市场投资者,政府机构及其他感兴趣的组织广泛浏览和阅读。 如果您有兴趣参与完善这份报告或阅读报告摘要,请联系再生时代或IDC。报告摘要将会在2015年9月底发布。
具体事项请以邮件方式联系以下相关负责人: RT Media IDC: 感谢您的支持和参与!
-----------------------------------我是分割线,下面是英文介绍---------------------------------------------------- --------------------I am the division line, the following is the introduction in English---------------------------
Study Objective: Recycling Times Media Corporation(RT Media), the publisher for the first China 3D Printing World magazinetogether with IDC China is currently conducting our annual survey of China 3DPrinting market. The study is important to understand the current adoption/penetration of China 3D Printing market in addition to how Chinese vendors havepenetrated outside China. The study will be an importantresearch conducted specifically looking at the current state of adoption for 3DPrinting as well as the future outlook of China 3D Printing market. While Chinais currently exploring the usage of 3D printing, 3D Printing is expected tohave a strong pick-up in China over the next couple of years. IDC believes that3D Printing will transform China in various segments including fashion,manufacturing and healthcare. The proliferation of 3D printing as part of theChina Industry 4.0 plan will see greater opportunities starting from the earlyadoption of 3D printing in the education sector. This report is expected to bereleased by October 2015. The key insights, which will be covered in thisreport, includes China 3D Printing, 2015 – 2019 market size and forecast.Insights and analysis on China 3D printing market by verticals will be coveredsubstantially and how various government initiatives will impact the growth of3D printing market. Contact for RT Media and IDC areas follow if you are interested to participate and receive a summary overview.The summary overview is anticipated to release in end September 2015. If there are any inquiries, please feel freeto contact the respective persons below: RT Media IDC: Thank you in advance for your support andparticipation.
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