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25 IES Lights pack 1 of 4 ,psD格式的IES灯光文件。
The includes are:
25 PSD file for IES lights They are all a high resolution @ 1000 x 1200 and totaly layered so that you can easy change them.
25个PSD IES灯光都是高分辨率大约1000 x 1200像素,并且是分层的,这样您可以很容易改变他们。
1 PSD for the wall background.
1个 PSD的背景墙。
5 PNG Lamps @ 1500 X 1500 to spice up your looks.
5 个PNG灯具 1500 X 1500像素,让场景更有情趣。
1 IES Guide.
1个 IES指导。
20 PNG File for basic IES light that can be layered on top of each other to achieve more effects and more combinations.
20个 PNG的IES灯光文件,可以彼此之间组合实现更多的效果和更多的组合。
This pack is made specialy for the walls and the patterned or textured backgrounds.
In the PSD files you will notice that all the layers blend mode is overley.
They are easy to change colors in a graphics editing program using the top layer "Change colors from here" to make some harmony with the background colors.
Try experimenting with layer blend modes.
To create a nice blend between the light and your image then set the blend mode to "Linear Dodge (Add)","Screen" or "Lighten".
创建一个漂亮的混合光,然后设置混合模式为“线性减淡(添加) ”、“屏幕”或“减淡”。