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这个很imba的。- 可以设定引力区域为一个球,胶囊状,或者光线投射区。
- 通过circular gravity force可以简单地给游戏对象添加特殊效果。
- 可以在引力区域内设置一个或多个力作用点,来自定义效果。
- 标签和触发过滤功能可以让你过滤或包含不需要的对象。
Circular Gravity Force 可以非常简单地给行星,大炮,磁铁,爆炸,牵引光速,甚至枪炮轨道添加自定义的引力,无限可能!下面的预览和教程给大家展示了该包的强大和易上手。
Requires Unity 4.1.2 or higher.
The Circular Gravity Force allows you to easily create a customizable positive or negative force without having to write any code, giving you more time to be creative in your work.
Features include:
- Circular Gravity Force tool, useful for creating objects on the fly.
- Customize the Size, and Force Power of the object.
- Customize the shape of the force object to ether a Sphere, Capsule, or even a RayCast.
- Circular Gravity Force has its own Gizmo so you can easily customize your object within the Unity Editor.
- Use the animator to animate the Circular Gravity Force object.
- Align to Force option allows you to make objects align to the Circular Gravity Force object.
- Customizable Special Effects allowing you to add Special Effects to objects using the Circular Gravity Force.
- Tag and trigger filtering allows you to filter out or include unwanted objects.
Circular Gravity Force makes it incredibly easy to add force to explosions, cannons, magnets, planets, tractor beams, or even rail guns. The demos and tutorials show just how easy and powerful this package can be.
(1.9 MB, 下载次数: 53)
总评分: 纳金币 + 5