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Interior Scene Tutorial Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D室内场景教程
建模,材质和渲染一个完整的室内场景在Cinema 4D中,我们将一起学习如何模拟一个耐克茶几,花瓶,落地灯,相框与现代布艺椅子,然后贴图和渲染! 2小时的高清视频教程附材质和工程的文件。
Modeling, materials & Rendering from scratch a full shot of Interior Scene in Cinema 4D We will learn together how to model an Nike Table brand, vase , Floor Lamp , Picture Frame & Fabric Modern Chair and then get textures & Rendering !2 Hours Tutorial in HD Video attached with the Material and Project Scene, you can just make your final workshop render and share it at the CINEMA 4D Facebook Page on that post about the tutorial Thread .