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ScalpelMAX is a 3ds max object modifier, offering advanced slicing functionality with many specialized features. ScalpelMAX is perfect for users who create complex CAD viszualisations with polygon counts above 100.000. Also the games and video effects people will love SclapelMAX because of its incredible texture slicing feature. Mapping coordinates won't be affected by ScalpelMAX operations and this makes it possible to cut down any geometry without losing the materials and mappings! .
ScalpelMAX can handle much higher polygon counts in realtime than the standard slice feature. ScalpelMAX also uses less memory to process the slice operation and this makes it also much faster than the built in feature. Another feature is it´s very high accuracy! ScalpelMAX won't fail doing the cut operation while the standard feature gives up and creates unusable "data rubbish". Everybody who ever used the standard Slice function for complex tasks, knows what that means. The standard Slice often is not able to do the job accordingly, Scalpel is able to do it because it simply calculates more accurate/efficient.
ScalpelMAX 是一个3ds max 的物件修改器,主要的功能是可以将物件切片,ScalpelMAX 非常适用于创造复杂 polygon 的使用者,既使polygon 面数超过10000面!游戏製作者以及影片后者也会喜欢 SclapelMAX,因為它令人难以置信的结构切片特色;更棒的是,贴图并不会影响 SclapelMAX 作用,他甚至可以切下任何部位物体结构而不会损坏物件结构及材质。
ScalpelMAX 处理高阶 polygon 物体切片的功能,比基本功能更加即时而快速,并且使用更少的记忆体都是重要的特点,另一个特点是它非常的精准!当基本功能放弃执行或是製造错误资讯 时,ScalpelMAX 在执行剪下作用的时候绝对不会失败。任何人都会使用基本功能来处理一些复杂的3D物件,并且知道如何使用,但是基本功能却不能处理任何的高阶物 体,ScalpelMAX可以做得到,因為它简单的计算方式跟更精準的结果。
-可以自动產生接合缝隙(常使用于NURBS 表面重建)
-充足的材质ID 切片控制(上方、底部等等)
-独立切片UV Mapping 控制