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发表于 2012-10-12 10:11:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Curves can be used for many different things and there are several different controls in Unity that use curves that can be edited.
曲线可以在很多组件中使用,编辑曲线 有几种不同的方式。
•The Animation View uses curves to animate properties over time in an Animation Clip.


The Animation View.动画视图
•Script components can have member variables of type AnimationCurve that can be used for all kinds of things. Clicking on those in the Inspector will open up the Curve Editor.


The Curve Editor.曲线编辑器
•The Audio Source component uses curves to control rolloff and other properties as a function of distance to the Audio Source.

音源组件中的 距离函数中 使用曲线控制声音衰减和其他性能。(只有3D声音中有这个)

Distance function curves in the AudioSource component in the Inspector.
While these controls have subtle differences, the curves can be edited in the exact same way in all of them. This page explains how to navigate and edit curves in those controls.
Adding and Moving Keys on a Curve 在曲线中添加和移除键

A key can be added to a curve by double-clicking on the curve at the point where the key should be placed. It is also possible to add a key by right-clicking on a curve and select Add Key from the context menu.
在曲线上想要添加控制键的点上,双击可以添加控制键(key),也可以在想要添加控制键的点上,右键鼠标,选择添加键(Add Key)
Once placed, keys can be dragged around with the mouse:
•Click on a key to select it. Drag the selected key with the mouse.


•To snap the key to the grid while dragging it around, hold down Command on Mac / Control on Windows while dragging.

选中该控制键,在mac上按住Command 或者在windows上按住ctrl,拖动鼠标 可以移除控制键

It is also possible to select multiple keys at once:
•To select multiple keys at once, hold down Shift while clicking the keys.


•To deselect a selected key, click on it again while holding down Shift.


•To select all keys within a rectangular area, click on an empty spot and drag to form the rectangle selection.


•The rectangle selection can also be added to existing selected keys by holding down Shift.

按住shift 再次框选(按住鼠标左键,拖动鼠标,画出一个矩形),可以连续选择控制键。

Keys can be deleted by selecting them and pressing Delete, or by right-clicking on them and selecting Delete Key from the context menu.
Navigating the Curve View 曲线视图导航

When working with the Animation View you can easily zoom in on details of the curves you want to work with or zoom out to get the full picture.
You can always press F to frame-select the shown curves or selected keys in their entirely.
你可以选择选择曲线或者选择控制键,按下F键 ,去查看它们。(想查看一个控制键,选中控制键,按F,想查看整条曲线,可以再曲线面板随便点击下,别点击在控制点上,按下F)
Zooming 缩放

You can zoom the Curve View using the scroll-wheel of your mouse, the zoom functionality of your trackpad, or by holding Alt while right-dragging with your mouse.
You can zoom on only the horizontal or vertical axis:
•zoom while holding down Command on Mac / Control on Windows to zoom horizontally.

按住mac的Command /windows的ctrl键,同时滑动鼠标滚轮,可以横轴水平缩放。

•zoom while holding down Shift to zoom vertically.


Furthermore, you can drag the end caps of the scrollbars to shrink or expand the area shown in the Curve View.
Panning 平移

You can pan the Curve View by middle-dragging with your mouse or by holding Alt while left-dragging with your mouse.
你可以 按住鼠标中间滚轮,并拖动鼠标,或者按住Alt+左键,拖动鼠标,来浏览曲线。
Editing Tangents 编辑切线

A key has two tangents - one on the left for the ingoing slope and one on the right for the outgoing slope. The tangents control the shape of the curve between the keys. The Animation View have multiple tangent types that can be used to easily control the curve shape. The tangent types for a key can be chosen by right-clicking the key.

Right-click a key to select the tangent type for that key.

In order for animated values to change smoothly when passing a key, the left and right tangent must be co-linear. The following tangent types ensure smoothness:
•Auto: The tangents are automatically set so make the curve go smoothly through the key.


•Free Smooth: The tangents can be freely set by dragging the tangent handles. They are locked to be co-linear to ensure smoothness.


•Flat: The tangents are set to be horizontal. (This is a special case of Free Smooth.)


Sometimes smoothness is not desired. The left and right tangent can be set individually when the tangents are Broken. The left and right tangent can each be set to one of the following tangent types:
•Free: The tangent can be freely set by dragging the tangent handle.

自由: 通过拖动切线控制柄,自由调整切线

•Linear: The tangent points towards the neighboring key. A linear curve segment can be made by setting the tangents at both ends to be Linear.


•Constant: The curve retains a constant value between two keys. The value of the left key determines the value of the curve segment.


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