- 最后登录
- 2020-9-7
- 注册时间
- 2014-3-19
- 阅读权限
- 50
- 积分
- 1759
![Rank: 4](static/image/common//star_level3.gif)
- 纳金币
- 283
- 精华
- 0
- Create an Appstore account.
- Core Unity from the iOS developer’s perspective.
- Scripting using C#.
- Handling common iOS sensors including GPS, Camera, Accelerometer and Touch Screen.
- Handle movies, music, and other multimedia entities.
- Build game AI for the mobile space.
- Optimize and debug your game for iOS devices using XCode.
- Build a multiplayer game using Apple’s Game Center and Unity Networking.
- Build plugins to extend Unity.
- Add micro payments, advertisements and in app purchasing.
- Target your audience, and make money from your creation!