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[Shaders] UV-Free Triplanar Shader Pack 2.0.1 - 不需UV即可任意贴纹理的插件









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最佳新人 热心会员 灌水之王 活跃会员 突出贡献 荣誉管理 论坛元老

发表于 2016-11-15 18:30:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


Requires Unity 5.2.1 or higher.

Use these Physically-Based triplanar surface shaders in Unity 5 to easily texture objects beautifully without the need for skinning/UV-maps, and eliminate terrain texture stretching.


— Quickly texture a mesh without having to skin/UV-map it.

— Eliminate stretching for textures on terrains and meshes. This is especially useful for jagged terrain, rock/glacier striations, and bricks.

— Includes Physically Based Metallic and Physically Based Specular shaders, as well as legacy shaders.

— Supports Unity 5 lighting features, such as Real-Time Global Illumination, skylight reflections, emissive lighting, reflection probes, light probes.

— Supports forward and deferred rendering paths (incl. legacy deferred), shadows, HDR, lightmapping, gamma and linear color spaces.

— Like the Unity 5 Standard Shader, features are enabled or disabled by simply using or not using various texture slots and parameters in the customized material editor. At runtime, the appropriate shader variant is pick based on which features are used. Unused variants of the shaders will not be included into the game build.

— Shader variants for features such as vertex colors, normal mapping, height mapping (parallax), occlusion, emission, detail maps, and rim lighting (for legacy shaders).

— Shader variants to allow for separate top and bottom textures, with adjustable strength.

— Shader variants to allow for triplanar projection relative to world space and local space.

— Terrain shaders can support unlimited textures. (4 textures per pass).


Unity 5.2.1f1 or later, Shader Model 3, Build for Windows, Mac OS X, or Unity Webplayer

(Click to see screenshot of Material Inspector)

1. PBR Metallic (Single Texture)

2. PBR Metallic (Separate Main/Top/Bottom)

3. PBR Specular (Single Texture)

4. PBR Specular (Separate Main/Top/Bottom)

5. PBR Metallic Terrain

6. PBR Specular Terrain

7. Legacy Specular-Based (1-Texture)

8. Legacy Specular-Based (3-Texture)

9. Legacy Diffuse-Based (1-Texture)

10. Legacy Diffuse-Based (3-Texture)

11. Legacy Specular-Based Terrain

12. Legacy Diffuse-Based Terrain


— Texture Power field: This bonus field allows you to control the degree of overlap/sharpness when performing triplanar projection. A low Texture Power helps create more believable surfaces from more organic-looking textures such as rock or grass. A high Texture Power allows for sharper texture transitions between top, bottom, left, right, front, and back surfaces - good for repeating textures such as bricks, grids, and strong patterns where overlap is not desired.

— Vertex Colors: Add color variation by applying vertex colors from the mesh. Control the strength of the vertex colors with the Vertex Color Strength slider.

— Custom Material Editors and Shader Keywords: These shaders come with custom material editors that are automatically displayed when using materials with the UV-Free shaders. These custom editors automatically switch on/off features (shader keywords) used in the shaders so that only the variants of the shaders (from among hundreds of possible variants) will be included in the game build. You can also programmatically enable or disable the shader keywords, but make sure there is a material included in the game build that already has that shader keyword combination.

— Normal Multiplier or Bump Scale: Shaders which include a Bump/Normal Map have a Normal multiplier that allows you to control the bumpiness of the normal map to exaggerate it or tone it down.

— Terrain Texture Scale Percentage: For terrain shaders, a Texture Scale percentage property provides a quick way to scale all the textures for that terrain simultaneously.

— (Experimental) Flip Backwards TexturesDisabled by default) If enabled, the shaders will flip any textures that are backwards, allowing you to properly display text within the textures, no matter the orientation of the surface. This helps textures to look more natural and not have a "mirroring" effect where the planes of the triplanar projection meet. When this feature is disabled (default) the textures will be flipped or backwards when facing the -X, -Y or -Z planes.

— Sample materials and a simple sample scene to demonstrate the shaders.


Please email me at andyman [at] idumpling.com with the subject "UV-Free Shaders".

So that I may help you more efficiently, please specify your issue with as much useful detail and context as possible, such as platform, hardware, OS, how you are trying to use the shaders. Screenshots are useful!


1. These shaders require Shader Model 3.0 GPU (most GPUs after 2004).

2. The Vertex Lit Rendering Path is not supported for these shaders.

3. At the time of this writing (Unity 5.2.1f1), fog only works in Forward Rendering and not in Deferred Rendering for the mesh shaders. This issue happens for the Unity 5 built-in shaders as well, and is not specific to the UV-Free shaders. Use the Global Fog image effect if you are using Deferred Rendering with mesh shaders. Fog works property for the terrain shaders.

4. These shaders are opaque and do not have any transparency / alpha testing features. If you'd like to add transparency / alpha testing features to the shaders, it is only 2-3 lines of code to change. See the "Transparency and alpha testing" section of Unity's Surface Shaders documentation (link). Download the source code for the built-in shaders (link) and look at the "Tags" line and "#pragma surface" line of the Alpha and AlphaTest shaders for example of how it is done.

5. This is a shader pack, not a texture pack! The sample textures included in the example scene have been marked so that they can be legally provided with this example scene, and are for example purposes only. The original textures are licensed from http://gametextures.com. The marked textures are distributed in the sample scene with explicit written permission from GameTextures.com.

6. Due to the number of shader variants (hundreds) that must be compiled/imported, it could take a few minutes to initially import the asset into your project. (e.g. 120 seconds on Intel Core i7 2.6 GHz with an SSD).

7. When initially importing the shaders into your project, you may see warning messages starting with: "MaterialEditor: Could not create custom UI from the CustomEditor: '' of the shader..." This is harmless warning message and is a Unity 5 issue (has not been fixed as of Unity 5.2.1f1) that is not specific to these shaders. Please see here and herefor more info.

8. When using the mesh shaders in local/selftriplanar space, you may run into an issue where Unity switches to display the textures as if it was in world triplanar space, depending on the complexity, shadows, and level of detail of the mesh when Unity's Dynamic Batching is enabled. This happens because the object may be switching in and out of Unity's dynamic batching. When an object is dynamically batched, Unity passes the shader the batched vertex data in world space instead of the object's ordinary local space data. If you see this switch happening, you can either switch off dynamic batching globally (not recommended, for performance sake), or simply disable dynamic batching for just the specific shader. In each triplanar mesh shader, you'll see a commented out line:

UV-Free Triplanar Shader Pack.rar

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2016-11-16 09:52:08 |只看该作者

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