PagedRect is a complete pagination solution for the Unity UI.
PagedRect can easily be used to:
- Create multi-page tutorials
- Create multi-page menus
- Create image sliders
- Create wizards
- Create tabbed views
- Create custom UI elements
- Full source code included
- Automatic button generation
- Supports Horizontal and Vertical pagination
- Navigate using on-screen buttons, keyboard input and/or swipe gestures
- Optional ScrollRect integration for continuous scrolling
- 3 optional animation types (Slide Horizontal, Slide Vertical, Fade) or none
- Optional First/Last buttons
- Optional Previous/Next buttons
- Easily enable or disable buttons as required (useful for wizards or tutorials)
- Easily switch between pages in the editor
- Add pages easily in the editor, or dynamically using code at runtime
- Use page numbers (automatically generated) or page titles on buttons (both optional)
- Optional: automatically move to the next page after a specified amount of time (useful for image sliders)
New in v1.122:
All ScrollRect based PagedRects now have an optional Scrollbar.
New in v1.20:
New 'Seamless Looping' option added for ScrollRect-based PagedRects (see updated example)
New in v1.19:
Improved support for nested ScrollRects (see Nested ScrollRect example).
New in v1.18:
New 'Page Previews' feature for building select menus, such as character or level selects (see Page Previews examples).
New in v1.16:
Can now optionally be used with XmlLayout