Requires Unity 5.0.4 or higher - 需要使用Unity 5.0.4以上的版本!
The ultimate spline solution - 各种曲面模型生成插件,超有效率的曲面制作与调整方式,程序猿也能轻易的上手操作!
Work with splines in Unity the way it's meant to be! Curvy is battle-proven and provides a top-notch UI to get your work done, fast!
* State of the art spline editing (Linear, Bezier, Catmull, TCB)
* Full control over curve orientation
* Node-based Content Generator for extrusion mesh generation, object placement and more
* Ready-made controllers for interaction with spline curves, paths, extrusions. Great for camera animation, player movement, you name it!
* Designed for speed through use of a highly optimized caching system, threading and object pooling
* PlayMaker custom actions
* Full C# source, well formatted & IntelliSense documented
* Extensive documentation & API Reference
* Highly customizable & extendable: full-fledged API (Runtime & Editor)
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