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The Twirl image effect distorts the rendered image within a circular region. The pixels at the centre of the circle are rotated by a specified angle; the rotation for other pixels in the circle decreases with distance from the centre, diminishing to zero at the circle's edge.旋转扭曲图像特效是指在一个圆形区域内扭曲所渲染的图像。在圆形区域中心的像素被旋转一定的角度,而其他像素的旋转程度随着距中心距离的增大而减小,在圆形区域边界减小到0。Twirl is similar to another image effect called Vortex, although vortex distorts the image around a central circle rather than a single point.旋转扭曲图像特效跟另一种叫做漩涡的图像特效相似,只不过漩涡图像特效是将图像绕着一个中心圆旋转,而非绕着单一的一个点。As with the other image effects, this effect is only available in Unity Pro and you must have the Pro Standard Assets installed before it becomes available.和其他图像特效一样,该特效只能在Unity Pro上进行使用,并且在使用之前必须安装Pro Standard Assets。![]()
Twirl image effect applied to the scene Radius 半径
The radius of the ellipse where image distortion occurs, given in normalized screen coordinates (ie, a radius of 0.5 is half the size of the screen).
在给定的归一化屏幕坐标中,图像扭曲出现的位置上的椭圆半径(ie,半径为 0.5 是屏幕大小的一半)
Angle 角度
The angle of rotation at the centre point.
Center 中心
The point at the centre of the circle where distortion occurs.
扭曲处的圆形区域中心点 [Hardware support 硬件支持]This effect requires a graphics card with pixel shaders (2.0) or OpenGL ES 2.0. PC: NVIDIA cards since 2003 (GeForce FX), AMD cards since 2004 (Radeon 9500), Intel cards since 2005 (GMA 900); Mobile: OpenGL ES 2.0; Consoles: Xbox 360, PS3.这个特效需要显卡拥有像素着色器(2.0)或者OpenGL ES 2.0。台式机:2003年以后的NVIDIA显卡(GeForce FX),2004年以后的AMD显卡(Radeon 9500),2005年以后的Intel卡(GMA 900);移动设备:OpenGL ES 2.0;控制台: Xbox 360、 PS3。All image effects automatically disable themselves when they can not ***n on end-users graphics card.所有图像特效如果无法在用户显卡上运行时将会自动被关闭。
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