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Copyright the original author or authors.
Licensed under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1.1 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
import com.bourre.commands.Delegate;
import com.bourre.events.BasicEvent;
import com.bourre.events.EventBroadcaster;
import com.bourre.events.EventType;
import com.bourre.transitions.FpsBeacon;
import sandy.core.data.Vertex;
import sandy.core.data.Vector;
import sandy.core.data.Matrix4;
import sandy.core.group.Group;
import sandy.core.group.Node;
import sandy.core.group.INode;
import sandy.core.buffer.ZBuffer;
import sandy.core.buffer.MatrixBuffer;
import sandy.view.Camera3D;
import sandy.view.IScreen;
import sandy.core.light.Light3D;
import sandy.core.Object3D;
* The 3D world for displaying the Objects.用于显示物体的3维世界
* <p>World3D is a singleton class, it's the central point of Sandy :
* <br/>You can have only one World3D, which contain Groups, Cameras and Lights</p>
* 你只能拥有一个World3D,用于容纳组员,摄影机和灯光。
* @author Thomas Pfeiffer - kiroukou
* @版本 1.0
* @date 16.05.2006
* @see sandy.core.Object3D
class sandy.core.World3D
* world3d渲染事件,它就是每次渲染场景所播报的事件。The World3D rendering Event. It's the event broadcasted every time the world is rendered
public static var onRenderEVENT:EventType = new EventType( 'onRender' );
* World3D起始事件,当开始渲染场景时播报。The World3D start Event. Broadcasted when the world start to be rendered
public static var onStartEVENT:EventType = new EventType( 'onStart' );
* World3D停止事件,每当停止渲染场景时播报。The World3D stop Event. Broadcasted when the world stop to be rendered
public static var onStopEVENT:EventType = new EventType( 'onStop' );
* World3D灯光更改事件,当灯光改变时播报。The World3D onLightUpdated Event. Broadcasted when the world light is changed
public static var onLightUpdatedEVENT:EventType = new EventType( 'onLightUpdated' );
* The World3D onLightUpdated Event. Broadcasted when the world light is changed
public static var onInitCacheEVENT:EventType = new EventType( 'onInitCache' );
*私有构造函数 Private Constructor.
* <p>只能有一个World3D。You can have only one World3D</p>
private function World3D ()
_eRender = new BasicEvent( World3D.onRenderEVENT );
_eStart = new BasicEvent( World3D.onStartEVENT );
// 初始化事件广播器。init the event broadcaster
_oEB = new EventBroadcaster( this );
//缺省灯光 default light
_light = new Light3D( new Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), 50 );
_isRunning = false;
_aCams = [];
// 添加侦听器we add the listener
FPSBeacon.getInstance().addFrameListener( new Delegate( this, __onEnterFrame ) );
*为特定事件添加侦听器。 Add a listener for a specific event.
* @param t 想要注册的EventType类型。 The type of event we want to register
* @param o 监听器对象。The object listener
public function addEventListener( t : EventType, o ) : Void
_oEB.addEventListener.apply( _oEB, arguments );
* 移除指定事件的监听器。Remove a listener for a specific event.
* @param e 想要移除的事件类型。EventType The type of event we want to register
* @param oL 监听器对象。The object listener
public function removeEventListener( e : EventType, oL ) : Void
_oEB.removeEventListener( e, oL );
* 得到一个World3D的实例。Get the Singleton instance of World3D.
* @return World3D, the only one instance possible返回World3D,唯一的一个实例。
public static function getInstance () : World3D
if (_inst === undefined) _inst = new World3D();
return _inst;
* 设置场景的摄影机。Set the {@code Camera3D} of the world.
* @param cam The new {@link Camera3D}
public function addCamera ( cam:Camera3D ):Number
return _aCams.push( cam ) - 1;
* 获取场景的摄影机列表。Get the list of {@code Camera3D} of the world.
* @return The {@link Camera3D} array返回一个数组。
public function getCameraList ( Void ):Array/*Camera3D*/
return _aCams;
* Get the a {@code Camera3D} of the world.获取场景中的一个摄影机。
* @param id 标识你想要的摄影机,默认为0。Number The id of the camera you want. default is 0.
* @return 返回Camera3D.The {@link Camera3D}
public function getCamera ( id:Number ):Camera3D
if( !id || id < 0 || id >= _aCams.length ) id = 0;
return _aCams[ id ];
* 设置3d场景中唯一的灯。We set the unique ligth of the 3D world.
* @param l 灯光实例。Light3D The light instance
* @return Void 无返回直。nothing
public function setLight ( l ight3D ):Void
_oEB.broadcastEvent( new BasicEvent( World3D.onLightUpdatedEVENT ) );
_light = l;
* 返回场景中的灯的引用。Returns the world light reference.
* @param Void Nothing
* @return Light3D The light reference
public function getLight ( Void ) ight3D
return _light;
* 为场景添加一个Group.Add a {@code Group} to the world.
* @param objGroup 要添加的组。不可以是transformGroup.The group to add. It must not be a transformGroup !
* @return Number The identifier of the object in the list. With that you will be able to use getGroup method.
public function setRootGroup( objGroup:Group ) :Void
// check if this node have a parent?!!
_oRoot = objGroup;
* 获取场景的根组。 Get the root {@code Group} of the world.
* @return Group THe root group of the World3D instance.
public function getRootGroup( Void ):Group
return _oRoot;
* 计算所有的组,并绘制他们。Compute all groups, and draw them.
* 应该调用一次Should be call only once, or everytime after a Wordl3D.stop call.
public function render ( Void ) : Void
if( _isRunning == false )
_isRunning = true;
// 播报开始消息。we broadcast the start message
_oEB.broadcastEvent( _eStart );
//开始实时渲染。 we start the real time rendering
* 停止渲染。Stop the rendering of the World3D.
* 你可以再次渲染通过调用render方法。You can start again th rendering by calling render method.
public function stop( Void ):Void
_isRunning = false;
* 每次都调用的方法。Method called every time.
private function __onEnterFrame( Void ):Void
// 广播事件。we broadcast the event
_oEB.broadcastEvent( _eRender );
//-- we make the active BranchGroup render
* Allows to get the current matrix projection ( usefull since there's several cameras allowed )
* @param Void
* @return Matrix4 The current projection matrix
public function getCurrentProjectionMatrix( Void ):Matrix4
return _mProj;
* 可以得到当前摄影机。 Allows to get the current camera
* @param Void
* @return Camera3D The current camera
public function getCurrentCamera( Void ):Camera3D
return _oCam;
//// PRIVATE私有
* Call the recurssive rendering of all the children of this branchGroup.
* This is the most important method in all the engine, because the mojority of the computations are done here.
* This method is making the points transformations and 2D projections.
private function __render( Void ) : Void
var l:Number,lc:Number, lp:Number, vx:Number, vy:Number, vz:Number, offx:Number, offy:Number, nbObjects:Number, nbCams:Number;
var mp11:Number,mp21:Number,mp31:Number,mp41:Number,mp12:Number,mp22:Number,mp32:Number,mp42:Number,mp13:Number,mp23:Number,mp33:Number,mp43:Number,mp14:Number,mp24:Number,mp34:Number,mp44:Number;
var mp:Matrix4, aV:Array;
var cam:Camera3D ;
var obj:Object3D;
var v:Vertex;
var crt:Node, crtId:Number;
// we set a variable to remember the number of objects and in the same time we strop if no objects are displayable
if( !( nbCams = _aCams.length ) || _oRoot == null )
//-- we initialize
_bGlbCache = false;
_aObjects = [];
_aMatrix = [];
_aCache = [];
__parseTree( _oRoot, _oRoot.isModified() );
// now we check if there are some modifications on that branch
// if true something has changed and we need to compute again
l = nbObjects = _aObjects.length;
while( --l > -1 )
obj = _aObjects[ l ];
if( _aCache[ l ] == true )
mp = _aMatrix[ l ];
if( mp )
aV = obj.aPoints;
//aV.push( obj.getBounds().min, obj.getBounds().max );
mp11 = mp.n11; mp21 = mp.n21; mp31 = mp.n31;
mp12 = mp.n12; mp22 = mp.n22; mp32 = mp.n32;
mp13 = mp.n13; mp23 = mp.n23; mp33 = mp.n33;
mp14 = mp.n14; mp24 = mp.n24; mp34 = mp.n34;
// Now we can transform the objet vertices
lp = aV.length;
while( --lp > -1 )
v = aV[lp];
// computations for projection
v.tx = (vx = v.x) * mp11 + (vy = v.y) * mp12 + (vz = v.z) * mp13 + mp14;
v.ty = vx * mp21 + vy * mp22 + vz * mp23 + mp24;
v.tz = vx * mp31 + vy * mp32 + vz * mp33 + mp34;
// In this canse we just do a copy of the local position to the transformed
aV = obj.aPoints;
lp = aV.length;
while( --lp > -1 )
v = aV[lp];
// computations for projection
v.tx = v.x;
v.ty = v.y;
v.tz = v.z;
;/* Object cached */
// -- Now we check if nothing moved on the world and the camera's neither
lc = nbCams;
while( --lc > -1 )
_oCam = cam = _aCams[ lc ];
// Now we check if nothing moved on the world and the camera's neither
if( _bGlbCache || cam.isModified() )
offx = cam.getXOffset(); offy = cam.getYOffset();
// Camera projection
_mProj = mp = cam.m ;
mp11 = mp.n11; mp21 = mp.n21; mp31 = mp.n31; mp41 = mp.n41;
mp12 = mp.n12; mp22 = mp.n22; mp32 = mp.n32; mp42 = mp.n42;
mp13 = mp.n13; mp23 = mp.n23; mp33 = mp.n33; mp43 = mp.n43;
mp14 = mp.n14; mp24 = mp.n24; mp34 = mp.n34; mp44 = mp.n44;
// Object transformations.
l = nbObjects;
while( --l > -1 )
obj = Object3D( _aObjects[l] );
aV = obj.aPoints;
//aV.push( obj.getBounds().min, obj.getBounds().max );
lp = aV.length;
while( --lp > -1 )
v = aV[lp];
var c:Number = 1 / ( (vx = v.tx) * mp41 + (vy = v.ty) * mp42 + (vz = v.tz) * mp43 + mp44 );
// computations for projection
v.sx = (v.wx = vx * mp11 + vy * mp12 + vz * mp13 + mp14) * c + offx;
v.sy = (v.wy = vx * mp21 + vy * mp22 + vz * mp23 + mp24) * c + offy;
v.wz = vx * mp31 + vy * mp32 + vz * mp33 + mp34;
// -- object rendering.
}// end objects loop
// we sort visibles Faces
var aF:Array = ZBuffer.sort();
var s:IScreen = cam.is;
// -- we draw all sorted Faces
s.render( aF );
// -- we clear the ZBuffer
ZBuffer.dispose ();
/* Nothing has moved, so nothing to do exept if an object has a texture which has been updated! Let's see */
l = nbObjects;
while( --l > -1 )
obj = Object3D( _aObjects[l] );
if( obj.needRefresh() )
// That's all
} // end cameras
} // end method
private function __parseTree( n:INode, cache:Boolean ):Void
var a:Array = n.getChildList();
var lCache:Boolean = n.isModified();
_bGlbCache = _bGlbCache || lCache;
var l:Number = a.length;
if( !l )
_aObjects.push( n );
_aCache.push( cache || lCache );
_aMatrix.push( MatrixBuffer.getCurrentMatrix() );
while( --l > -1 )
__parseTree( a[l], cache || lCache );
n.setModified( false );
private var _mProj:Matrix4;
private var _oCam:Camera3D;
private var _oRoot:Group;
* _aGroups : The Array of {@link Group}
private var _aGroups:Array;
* _cam : The {@link Camera3D} of the World3D
private var _aCams:Array/*Camera3D*/;
* _inst : The only one World3D permit
private static var _inst:World3D;
* _oEB : The EventBroadcaster instance which manage the event system of world3D.
private var _oEB:EventBroadcaster;
* the unique light instance of the world
private var _light : Light3D;
private var _eRender:BasicEvent;
private var _eStart:BasicEvent;
private var _isRunning:Boolean;
private var _bGlbCache:Boolean;
private var _aObjects:Array;
private var _aMatrix:Array;
private var _aCache:Array;