Hello and thank you for takingthe time to talk to us. Tell us a bit about your company…你们好,感谢你们接受我们的采访,来谈谈你们的工作室吧。。。
Mir is a small studio locatedalmost off the map on the west coast of Norway. We produce what we callportraits of unbuilt architecture. We have been working on perfecting communicationthrough images since 2000.
You collaborate with a lot ofarchitects on a large number of built or “in progress” projects. Do you find itdifficult to work on “somebody else’s vision”?
Do photographers find itdifficult to photograph a BMW because someone else has designed it?
Howdo you transition from CAD files to perfect 3D architectural models?你们是如何把cad文件很好的做成3d模型的?
The architects export a formatthat we can read.
What programs/ plugins /scriptsdo you use?
We use Lightwave and 3d StudioMax for the 3d stuff. For painting and post processing we use photoshop andAftereffects 我们用lightwave和3dmax。后期我们会用photoshop和Ae。
How do you keep up with all thechanges in technology?
Haha, we don't. We always end upstuck with old versions of our software. In the end, companies like Autodeskforce us to keep updated as their software is not back- compatible and clientsoften use newer versions than us… As for Lightwave3D (which is a more sensibletool), we can choose to upgrade when we want to. 哈哈,我们的软件版本不会太新。像autodesk他们经常会更新他们的软件版本,客户往往使用的版本也会比我们的高。比如 lightwave3d(比较明智的一款软件),我们觉得有必要更新的时候才会去更新。
How involved is the interviewprocess at MIR? What do you look for in a new employee?
We use portfolios for screening.After that we try to meet with the most qualified people and have them talkabout general things to get a sense of their personality and character. We arealways looking for talented artists, but we also need “good people” in ouroffice to create a fun and pulsating environment to be in. We would love tohire more girls, but unfortunately there is only one girl who applies for every100 guys... Right now there are people from Norway, Poland, Egypt, New Zealand,Hungary and the Netherlands in our team.
With the market becoming moreand more competitive, what do you believe is a must that an artist has in hisportfolio or skills?
He or she has to have a voice.There is too much generic, perfect, 3d “shit” out there. We have been throughmaybe 100 portfolios in the last few weeks, and half of them have some versionof " the perfect concrete texture with a purple sunset”. It too oftenfeels like the inspiration has come from another 3d work and not from acreative mind. We wish people would start with a pen and a piece of paper anddecide on what they want to create, not with a standard scene from Evermotionor the mindset to copy something they have seen on Cgtalk.
The Future Library and MediaCenter in Ghent design has a great feedback. What were the challenges on thisproject? Can you give us an insight on the process, the goals of the projectand the difficult parts?
Future和Ghent设计的Media Center都有产生了很大的反响,这些项目对你们来说有哪些挑战?可否透露一下制作过程?这些项目的表现重点和一些比较难做的地方?
We did these images for UNStudiowhich we have worked quite a lot with. The goal was the usual. Trying to buildan atmosphere and identity in the images that would make the project be morevisually intriguing and memorable than the other proposals in the competition.UNStudio produce really-really great 3d models -way better than anyone in ourstudio could do.
The difficult part is to getthese soft shapes out of rhino and into a polygon format that is smooth enough.In the end we had to fix quite a lot of bugs in Photoshop. As with any othercompetition project, the design changed quite a lot all the way towards theend. Incredibly annoying for us, but hey, that's life! 最难的地方是如何把模型从犀牛导到polygon后让一些曲面保持他们的平滑度。最后我们不得不在ps里再做完善。同时这种竞标项目的模型通常都会一直改到接近交图的时间,这很让我们头疼,不过嘿嘿,这就是生活!:)
What were some of the challengeson the Greenland’s national museum of art?
Greenland’s national museum ofart这个项目对你们来说有哪些挑战?
This one went down quite easy.The main challenge was the technical part, drawing the nature because we didn'thave good photos.
BIG shares some of our passion for“scandinavian melancholy”, so we knew from start that we didn't have topopulate the images with happy kids playing with ballons and perfectly castedfamilies out to “experience culture”.
How about the Ocean SpaceCentre?
关于Ocean Space Centre这个项目呢?
We did these images for UNStudiowhich we have worked quite a lot with. The goal was the usual. Trying to buildan atmosphere and identity in the images that would make the project be morevisually intriguing and memorable than the other proposals in the compeition.UNStudio produce really-really great 3d models -way better than anyone in ourstudio could do.
What is the typical startingpoint in an architectural 3D project? How long does it usually take?
The project starts with usgetting as much info as possible from the architect. Why does the building lookthe way it does? What is the function of the building? Are there any politicalthings to take into account? If the images are produced for a competition, whois in the competition jury? What is the architects strategy? After the initialbrief we sit down with the 3d model, try to understand the building and theclients ideas. Maybe do a couple of simple renders.
Then we sit down with our teamand try to talk about our understanding of the project, strengths andweaknesses, can we do the things that the architect issued in the first place?We do some simple sketches on paper and discuss what sort of aesthetics wouldsuit the project the best. We then go back to the architect asking themquestions: Is it meant to be a bit like Disneyland or are you looking for amore poetic experience? Stuff like that.
What other supportingdepartments do you typically involve on an average project? How large does thislist grow when you’re working on a 3D presentation/movie?
Wesometimes hire photographers for site photography, and for larger modelingtasks we will use specialist external 3d modelers.
How do you start working on a 3Dproject like The Center for Dialogue in Mecca? What are the usual steps?
The Center for Dialogue in Mecca这个项目你们是如何入手的?通常分多少步骤呢?
We first receive the info and the3d model. Then we think. Then we talk. Then we sketch. Then we talk some more,sketch some more and try to get the sketch approved through strongargumentation for the concepts we propose. After that we refine the 3d modeland the textures etc. Finally, we show a high resolution sketch to our clientsfor approval of the textures, colors, etc. Then we finish the image. In the endwe sit down as a team to see how we can improve the image further. And send itbefore Friday evening just in time for a beer.
Do you use the same techniquesfrom one project to another? What is your company’s strongest point (design,modeling, sketching, rendering, environment, maps, animating)?
Our main strength is that we tryto work with our clients and not for them. This means that we can add energyand ideas to our clients projects instead of just doing a technical job. Aftermore than 10 years working on architectural projects, the architects don't haveto tell us how things work. But other than that, we have a huge variety oftechnical skills in the office, and we can use whoever fits the project athand. Like myself for instance, I can hardly model anything more complicatedthan a box, but I am fluent in Wacom, so to speak We always try to tone downthe 3d technical aspects when we develop concepts, or communicate with clients.It’s a tool that should be mastered like any other tools. Owning a hammer andknowing how to knock a nail perfectly into a nice piece of wood doesn't meanyou can build a nice house. Our work is mainly about the storytelling andideas, the technical execution goes without saying. 我们的优势在于与客户之间相互合作而不是完全为了客户在做事。这就意味着我们可以给我们的客户提供一些想法和观念而不是做单纯的技术活。经过了10年的磨练,我们现在的客户已经不会告诉我们他们的东西应该怎么去做。比这些更加重要宝贵的是我们内部有很多擅长各个方面表现能力的人才,我们会针对每个项目特点选择合适的人去参与。比如我建模特别烂,所以肯定不会去做模型啦。在我们推敲方案或者跟甲方讨论项目的时候往往不会把技术放到最主要的位置。技术就像是你必须精通的工具一样。如果你可以用一把锤子很完美的把钉子钉在一块精致的木板上,并不能代表你就可以建造一所很漂亮的房子。我们主要的工作是关于讲述一个故事和关于这个故事的创作,技术上没什么可谈的。
Which design do you believe wasthe most difficult to achieve?
Some of our clients have a reallytop down heavy beurocracy. There is almost no point in trying to add ideas tothe process, because the guy that you are stuck with will never be able to sellyour ideas to the to boss. (Who you never get to talk to anyway). These clientsknow exactly what they want before we go into the project. They send us apre-selected camera angle and an image from a competing company that they wantyou to copy. (I notice that I get agitated writing this). Then they want you tomake an amazing image out of this...... With both hands tied behind your back!Even if sometimes the images that start out like this turn out good, projectslike this are really hard. But you must handle it professionally, just pull outyour makeup and do your best to make the slut look pretty. It goes withoutsaying that other clients get priority over these clients.
Which render engine would yourecommend?
Lightwavenative render or Fprime. Not V-ray, I think it sucks. But still, we have 5 guysin the office using it, and it's not like everything they do turns out bad (Photoshop is a marvelous tool) Our long term aim is to bringLightwave into everybodies toolset as it would simplify in-house efficiency alot.
How important is it to have aproper education in this field?
It doesn't matter. The only thingeducation proves is that you can set goals and achieve them. The professionrequires a hell of a lot of discipline and hard work though.
For the majority, the best schoolcan do is to get you into a working environment, such as Mir, at a young age.Being in a studio where everyone around you works to become the best they canbe is super-inspirational and it is impressive how fast people develop skillsafter they join us.
What do you have up your sleevefor future projects?
An open mind and curious spirit.
If you had the opportunity tospend a day with anyone from this industry, who would it be?如果给你一个机会去和一个同行讨论相关的话题,你会选择谁?
We would rather hang out withfriends and talk about something completely different than talk about 3d over abeer.