
标题: Hairfarm for 2011 x64 毛发插件 破解修正版 [打印本页]

作者: Asen    时间: 2011-9-19 08:12
标题: Hairfarm for 2011 x64 毛发插件 破解修正版

Hairfarm  for 2011 x64  毛发插件 破解修正版

Hair Farm was designed and developed by Dr. Cem Yuksel, a Computer Graphics researcher at Texas A&M University, over the course of more than 6 years.


When Cem Yuksel first started the Hair Farm project, the available technologies in Computer Graphics for modeling, animating, and rendering hair were very limited and under-developed for producing a hair software that would fully satisfy an artist. Therefore, while he was writing Hair Farm, he also got engaged in a number of research activities and proposed various novel technologies required for a solid hair modeling, animation, and rendering software.

After 6 years of research and development, he managed to solve the last piece of the puzzle with his invention of Hair Meshes. This novel hair modeling approach is presented in SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 in the Technical Papers session, among some of the top Computer Graphics research works being published this year.

Hair Farm is not just another tool for producing hair on virtual characters. It is a completely new design that combines state-of-the-art technologies with an artist-friendly user interface and a flexible workflow.

Some of the novel technologies in Hair Farm are the following:


* A whole new hair modeling pipeline combining the best ideas both the industry and the academia, including hair mesh modeling,

* An artist-friendly realistic hair material that can efficiently handle complicated light behavior like multiple scattering in hair volume to produce physically-based realism,

* A highly optimized high-quality ray tracer for hair that automatically handles anti-aliasing without the need to specify the number of samples,

* A whole new hair simulation technique that can robustly handle complicated models and advanced physical behavior like hair-hair interaction,

* Technologies in curve representations for modeling and rendering.


These novel technologies in their most advanced form only exist in Hair Farm. No other hair production tool, including commercial software and proprietary tools used in major studios, has these technologies. With Hair Farm you can produce images that cannot be replicated by any other software in the world!


In addition to these published technologies above, Hair Farm includes many novel proprietary technologies, some of which will be published in the near future.

To install:

1. Extract the 3ds Max 2011 folder to your 3ds Max 2011 folder.

2. Start 3ds max, click on the hairfarm button in the toolbar and click "Activate"

3. In the keygen, type in your name with no spaces, organization with no spaces, and a random 20-digit key.

4. Press generate.

5. **IMPORTANT** - After generating, copy your serial number to hairfarm...Once you generate, it DOES change your key!

6. Select this hairfarm.pkey file in 3ds max, activate, and you should be***nning a perfectly patched hairfarm ;)
A perfectly keygenned release will be made shortly.

1.将3ds Max 2011文件夹里面的文件复制到你的max的根目录

2.启动3dmax 点击工具栏上的hairfarm按钮,然后点击 "Activate"激活按钮



5.重要的一点,在生成之后复制你的serial number注册码到hairfarm..当你点击生成的时候,key就被改变了



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