This new system efficiently combines direct multitouch interaction and 3D stereoscopic visualization. Users interact by way of simple 2D gestures on a monoscopic touchscreen, while visualizing occlusion-free 3D stereoscopic objects floating above the surface at an optically correct distance. By registering the 3D virtual space with the physical space, the system produces a rich, seamless workspace where the advantages of both direct and indirect interaction are jointly exploited. In addition to standard multitouch gestures and controls (for example, pan, zoom, and standard 2D widgets), the system includes a dedicated multitouch 3D transformation widget that allows near-direct control of rotations, scaling, and translations of the manipulated objects. To illustrate the power of this setup, a demo scenario allows participants to reassemble 3D virtual fragments. The scenario unifies the strengths of both multitouch interaction and stereoscopic visualization in an innovative and relevant workspace.
Benoit Bossavit