(VM is a concept of***cuting manufacturing processes in computers as well as in the real world,?where ?virtual models?allow for ?prediction of potential problems for product functionality and manufacturability before real manufacturing occurs.)该定义强调VM“与实际一样”“虚拟模型”和“预测”,即着眼于结果。
“虚拟制造是仿真、建模和分析技术及工具的综合应用,以增强各层制造设计和生产决策与控制。(VM is the integrated application of simulation,modeling and analysis technologies and tools to enhance manufacturing design and production decisions and control at all process levels.)该定义着眼于手段。
马里兰大学Edward Lin&etc定义是:
另一个有代表性的定义是由马里兰大学Edward Lin&etc给出的,“虚拟制造是一个用于增强各级决策与控制的一体化的、综合性的制造环境。”(VM is an integrated, synthetic manufacturing environment***rcised to enhance all levels of decision and control.),则着眼于环境。