
标题: Luxion KeyShot Pro 7.0.456 x64 - 实时渲染专用软件 [打印本页]

作者: may    时间: 2017-8-28 10:04
标题: Luxion KeyShot Pro 7.0.456 x64 - 实时渲染专用软件


KeyShot 7 的重点是带来更多的方式来创建与新的 KeyShot 配置, 工作室和 real-time VR 支持。用户有更多的材料的可能性与新材料类型和纹理映射, multi-materials 和增强程序。随着更多的照明控制 KeyShot 7 现在功能环境列表, HDR 输出和一个新的综合 HDRI 编辑器与互动的太阳和天空。

具有更大的灵活性的用户现在有 UI、工作区和热键自定义。在新的工作流功能中提供了更 real-time 的速度, 它具有全新的采样方法、re-tessellation、自适应性能模式、八新的渲染刀路和更多的输出功能, 可以比以往更快地创建渲染、动画和交互式视觉效果。

随着 KeyShot 在世界各地的3D 专业人员中使用, KeyShot 7 建立在其关键的优异点上, 即提供 real-time 速度和最易于使用的界面, 并将最精确的材料和先进的照明功能封装到高效的工作流程中, 从而使用户比任何可用的软件都更快地获得结果。KeyShot 为最流行的3D 文件格式提供最广泛的支持, 并扩展软件集成, 设计人员、工程师、市场营销专家和3D 艺术家依赖于无缝地融入他们的工作流程。Luxion 的重点是提供 "更多" 的功能, 以实现速度和简化工作流程, 提供最佳的材料和照明功能, 减少设置和渲染时间, 让用户专注于创造惊人的视觉效果

UI 自定义
在 KeyShot 7 中, 用户可以自定义 tab 键顺序、标签可见性、制表符状态以及窗口、工具栏和功能区位置, 然后将自定义 UI 安排保存为工作区。另外, 用户现在可以完全控制热键、更改或添加新热键的能力, 或者指定与支持的3D 建模软件匹配的相机控制选项。

KeyShot 7 介绍了几种新的材料类型和更新。新的浑浊的塑料材料类型包含散射微粒复制复杂, 科学地准确材料例如聚碳酸酯或 ABS。新的测量材料类型允许用户在. axf 或. xml 格式中加载测量的材料文件。金属材料类型现在包括颜色的选择和13科学地准确金属预设, 而其他材料类型已经更新了与单位感知的设置和对材料设置的更大的控制。除了新的材料类型, KeyShot 库预置材料已完全更新。

纹理映射已完全刷新 KeyShot 7。更新包括单元感知的设置、改进的交互式映射工具以及在模型或部件上居中纹理的能力。新的平面映射类型更通用, 取代了法线投影和平面映射, 同时提供了控制平面投影深度的能力。添加了三平面, 平铺的 UV 和视频地图, 柱状贴图大大改进, 新的程序画笔, 网格和编织纹理可用。

更多的场景照明功能, 增加了一个新的环境列表, 扩展了 HDRI 环境的数量, 可以添加到一个场景。使用此项, 用户可以在不同的环境之间快速切换, 或将新环境拖放到列表中。HDRI 编辑器现在集成到环境选项卡中, 用户可以将场景导出为 HDR 或 EXR, 以便在其他场景中导入和使用。

实时 VR 渲染和输出的支持, 立体声透视相机, 立体球面地图, 和立体声立方体地图。这包括支持 real-time 的观点通过26裂谷和宏达万岁头安装显示器。

KeyShot 配置器
KeyShot 配置器, 首次亮相在 KeyShot RenderWorld 与 Axalta 利用 KeyShot 配置在新的 Axalta 客户体验中心, 是一个工具可供 KeyShot Pro, 允许用户提出模型和材料的变化, 在 real-time 的设计审查和/或交互式销售点显示。KeyShot 配置器向导指导用户快速设置父模型、组件和组件组, 并允许他们选择材料变体、工作室和为交互式演示模式定义布局选项。

KeyShot 7 is focused on bringing more ways to create with the new KeyShot Configurator, Studios and real-time VR support. Users have more material possibilities with new material types and texture mapping, multi-materials and enhanced procedurals. With more lighting control KeyShot 7 now features Environment lists, HDR output and a new integrated HDRI Editor with interactive Sun & Sky.

With more flexibility users now have UI, workspace and hotkey customization. And more real-time speed is provided in new workflow capabilities featuring a completely new sampling method, re-tessellation, adaptive performance mode, eight new render passes and more output capabilities to create renderings, animations and interactive visuals faster than ever before.

With KeyShot used across all industries by 3D professionals around the world, KeyShot 7 builds on its key differentiators of providing real-time speed and the most easy to use interface with the most accurate materials and advanced lighting capabilities wrapped into an efficient workflow that gives users results faster than any software available. KeyShot offers the widest support for the most popular 3D file formats and expanding software integration that designers, engineers, marketing specialists and 3D artists rely on to fit seamlessly into their workflow. Luxion’s focus on offering ‘more’ is grounded in the features implemented to speed and simplify the workflow, deliver the best material and lighting capabilities and reduce setup and render times to allow users to focus on creating amazing visuals

UI Customization
In KeyShot 7, users can customize tab order, tab visibility, tab state, along with window, toolbar and ribbon position then save custom UI arrangements as Workspaces. Additionally, users now have complete control over hotkeys, the ability to change or add new hotkeys or specify camera control options that match supported 3D modeling software.

New Material Types
KeyShot 7 introduces several new material types and updates. The new Cloudy Plastic material type contains light-scattering particles to replicate complex, scientifically accurate materials such as Polycarbonate or ABS. The new Measured material type allows users to load measured material files in .axf or .xml format. The Metal material type now includes options for Color and 13 scientifically accurate metal presets while other material types have been updated with unit-aware settings and greater control over material settings. Along with the new material types, the KeyShot library presets for materials have been completely updated.

New Texture & Label Mapping
Texture Mapping has been completely refreshed for KeyShot 7. Updates include unit-aware settings, an improved interactive mapping tool and the ability to center a texture on the model or part. The new Planar mapping type is more versatile, replacing normal projection and planar mapping while providing the ability to control depth of planar projections. Tri-Planar, Tiled UV and Video Map have been added, with cylindrical mapping vastly improved and new procedural brush, mesh and weave textures available.

Environment Updates
More scene lighting capabilities come with the addition of a new Environment list expanding the number of HDRI Environments that can be added to a single scene. With this, users can quickly toggle between different environments or drag and drop new environments into the list. The HDRI Editor is now integrated into the Environment tab and users can export a scene as a HDR or EXR to import and use in other scenes.

Real-time VR Rendering
Real-time VR rendering and output is available with the support for Stereo Perspective Cameras, Stereo Spherical Maps, and Stereo Cube Maps. This includes support for real-time view through both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive head mounted displays.

KeyShot Configurator
The KeyShot Configurator, debuted at KeyShot RenderWorld with Axalta utilizing the KeyShot Configurator at the new Axalta Customer Experience Center, is a tool available for KeyShot Pro that allows users to present model and material variations in real-time for design reviews and/or interactive point-of-sale displays. The KeyShot Configurator Wizard guides the user through quick setup of Parent Models, Components and Component Groups and allows them to select Material Variations, Studios and define layout options for the interactive presentation mode.

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