
标题: Marvelous Designer 6.5 Enterprise 3.1.22 Win [打印本页]

作者: may    时间: 2017-4-29 11:52
标题: Marvelous Designer 6.5 Enterprise 3.1.22 Win


MarvelousDesigner 是一款专业的3d服装设计软件,需要对服装的布料剪裁有一定的了解,支持导入其他软件做好的模特模型,支持导出衣服模型到其他三维软件,实时布料解算模拟衣服在模特身上的效果。 只需10分钟你就可以设计出一套漂亮的3D模型的衣服.

Marvelous Designer使您搭配我们的尖端设计软件可以创建漂亮的3D虚拟服装。

从基本的衬衫,错综复杂的百褶连衣裙,粗犷的制服,Marvelous Designer几乎可以复制所有类型的织物的纹理和物理特性。


Marvelous Designer的创新模式为基础的方法已经通过了顶级的游戏工作室的考验,如EA Konami,可以在大屏幕的动画电影上看到它的身影,包括霍比特人,丁丁历险记等。

Marvelous Designer allows you to create beautiful 3D virtual clothing with our cutting-edge design software.

Finally breathe life into your designs with tools that enhance quality while saving you time.
From basic shirts to intricately pleated dresses and rugged     uniforms,Marvelous Designer can virtually replicate fabric textures and     physical properties to the last button, fold, and accessory.

With our versatile compatibility with other 3D software and interactive     design interface, you can instantaneously edit and drape garments  onto    3D forms with high-fidelity simulation.

Marvelous Designer’s innovative pattern-based approach has already been     adopted by top game studios such as EA Konami and can be seen on the     big-screen in animation films including
The Hobbit and The Adventures of Tin Tin, created by Weta Digital.

Marvelous Designer 6.5 Enterprise 3.1.22 Win (--- - ---).rar

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