
标题: NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio Win [打印本页]

作者: may    时间: 2017-3-25 09:28
标题: NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio Win

NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio Win


Maxwell Render  是一款可以不依附其他三维软件可以独立运行的渲染软件,采用了光谱的计算原理,打破了长久以来光能传递等渲染技术,使结果更逼真。Maxwell是一个基 于真实光线物理特性的全新渲染引擎,按照完全精确的算法和公式来重现光线的行为。

Maxwell Render 3的新特性:
Custom Sun Radius 自定义太阳半径.
The sun in Maxwell's physical sky system is now  customizable in size and color allowing for dramatic sun effects, as  well as introducing a physically correct approach to controlling shadow  softness (via sun radius) or distant emitters with parallel shadows.

Procedurals 新的程序贴图.
Maxwell Render now includes a collection of  procedural textures that can be used alone or in combination with other  textures to produce a range of effects. Being mathematical fractals,  they are 100% seamless, customizable and cross-platform.

Fast ML preview 基于GPU的实时渲染.
See your Multilight changes instantly in the  main render view. Even Scattering and Dispersion update instantly -  thanks to the new GPU accelerated Fast Multilight display!

Improved FIRE voxelization 改进的渲染引擎.
Our scene preview engine Maxwell FIRE is much  smarter in V3 - re-voxelizing only the objects which have changed,  saving a tremendous amount of time when setting up your scenes.

Render Booleans z-剪切渲染.
An object bounding box, sphere or plane can now  be used as a 'cutting' object, which works in a similar way to the  cameras Z-clip feature, except now you are no longer limited to the  cameras near/far planes.

Custom alphas 自定义阿尔法通道.
A long awaited feature, now you can create  unlimited 'layers' of alphas and add any object(s) to those layers,  allowing you to isolate the exact objects you need.

New lenses 新的相机镜头.
Five new lens types have been added to the  Maxwell Camera: Spherical - great for making HDR environments or virtual  walk-throughs, Fish Eye, Pinhole (creates no depth of field effect),  Cylindrical and Orthographic

Material Assistants 材质预设编辑器.
Maxwell materials assistant is a new, easy to  use material editor which builds the basic material characterisitcs for  you - greatly simplifying the material creation process and saving you  lots of time. Choose first a category such as glass, metal, translucent,  opaque and the material assistant will help you create perfectly  optimised materials for your scene in just seconds!

Pixar Open SubDiv 像素级细分.
The new Subdivision feature allows you to  subdivide low-polygon objects into smooth surfaces, by implementing  Pixar OpenSubdiv. Because it's subdividing the geometry only at render  time - your scene files take up far less space and can be transfered  much faster around your network. OpenSubdiv is owned by Pixar. Copyright  (C) Pixar. All rights reserved

Blockable emitters 可限制范围的发光体.
Now you can isolate the contribution of each  emitter to each individual object in the scene, allowing you to have  objects not affected by certain emitters in the scene. This way, you  have custom control over the lighting of each object in your scene.

Image projectors 图片投影.
Emitters in Maxwell can now project light using  any bitmap (or even a procedural texture!), much the same as a slide  projector projects an image onto a canvas.

Maxwell Sea maxwell自己的海洋系统.
Maxwell Sea creates realistic ocean surfaces  and waves based on the Ocean Statistical Spectrum from RealFlow. Various  parameters such as water depth and surface dimensions allow you to  produce a convincing water surface, from swimming pools to open ocean.  The meshing is only done at render time, meaning it takes up almost no  extra space in the .MXS file.

Maxwell Scatter maxwell的散色.
The new Maxwell Scatter modifier distributes  instances of an object (or even referenced MXS files) across the surface  of another object, with similar parameters to the Maxwell grass  modifier - including the ability to add density maps, or randomize the  size and rotation.

Improved Motionblur 改善的运动模糊.
Maxwell V3 offers massive speed improvements  when motion blur is used in scenes with many objects, especially where  hair and particles are used. In a scene using millions of hairs for  example, the increase in speed can be upwards of 100X!

The Alembic file format allows for very  efficient storage of geometry and other scene data, which can now be  referenced directly in Maxwell V3. Support for Alembic includes static  and animated geometry as well as particles. It also works with the  Exocortex CRATE suite of Alembic plugins.

Double-sided materials 双面材质.
Separate materials can now be applied to the  back-face of a polygon surface - making it much easier to create bottle  labels, translucent paper, or add more variation to leaves etc. And as a  bonus, it also works with the Maxwell grass modifier!

Deep Compositing 更高位数的渲染图片格式.
Maxwell Render 3 can now render in 'deep image'  format, which stores color as well as depth information per pixel,  making it much easier to composite rendered objects together as well as  eliminating troublesome edge artifacts. You can save the deep info in  either .EXR or .DTEX formats, in rgba or alpha.

Volumetrics 体积光/物体.
The new volumetric feature in Maxwell can work  in several ways: as a constant density volumetric object - useful for  large atmospheric haze effects or thick fog, it can work with particles  files in several formats, including RealFlow .bin, and also with density  fields/voxels directly from Maya or Houdini.

10 Nodes 一套软件包括10个渲染节点.
Maxwell Render Suite floating licenses for V3 will now come with 10 rendernodes included, as standard!

作者: zwbcshjlb    时间: 2017-4-13 14:33

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