Mobile game developers can understand the different touch gestures like swipe, pinch and flick used for RTS games
Detecting and Using Touch Gestures in Unity
Taps, swipes, pinches, and flicks are all ways that players can interact with mobile games. Unity 3D games built for mobile devices should take these unique ways of playing that go beyond the standard "controller."
Making sense of raw finger position vectors every frame might prove to be more involved than it looks. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the concept of touch input processing in Unity games.
Each lecture will introduce the theory commonly used finger gestures, such as taps, drags, swipes, pinches, and rotates. The goal of the course will be to put that theory into practice to create a simple point-and-click game.
The characteristics of each gesture will be explained, and the relevant code to detect and use it in the example game will be shown step-by-step.
By the end of the course, you’ll have built a script that can process touch input and report what gesture has happened or is happening, and this script will be modular: ready to use in any of your other projects.
Before starting this course, you should be familiar with C# programming in Unity and the concept of 3D transforms as it is used in the engine. A touch of basic trigonometry also wouldn’t hurt.
All assets, code and project files are included in the course and free to download
Pathfinding is a concept many AI programmers lose sleep over. Thankfully if you are making your game with Unity, there is a built-in navigation mesh (navmesh) system that is fast, robust, and adaptive. In this tutorial you will be shown how to make use of this system effectively in the context of a point-and-click game (one of the best use cases for pathfinding), including the utilization of pathfinding with regards to various scenarios like jumpable gaps and dynamic obstacles.
Additionally, this tutorial also shows an example of an animation controller adapted to the acceleration-based movement behavior of Unity’s navigation agent.
Before starting this course, you should be familiar with C# programming in Unity and the concept of 3D transforms as it is used in the engine. Basic knowledge of Unity’s animation system is also highly recommended. Also, it should be noted that the game project in this tutorial is controlled using the Unity Remote 4 app, so make sure you have it installed in your device.
Unity Touch Gestures and Pathfinding in Mobile Unity Games Download and PW.rar
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