
标题: 【纳金人物专访】专访台湾OZ数位动画负责人 - Kico 杨 [打印本页]

作者: 艾西格亚    时间: 2014-9-18 15:54
标题: 【纳金人物专访】专访台湾OZ数位动画负责人 - Kico 杨
采访对象 : 台湾OZ数位动画负责人 - Kico 杨 (以下简称Kico)

2001年 大宇轩辕剑叄外传 —— 天之痕,为OZ踏入CG动画的领域
2009年 大宇轩辕剑 —— 天之痕 Online,为OZ踏入游戏美术相关制作的领域  

纳金网:请问OZ创办于何时? 当时创办的动机为何?
Kico: OZ创办于2001年,那时受到好莱坞电影特效象是侏罗纪公园,以及日本游戏FF 7FF8的感动,希望能发展有角色表演、有剧情的全CG动画,另外希望能够尝试印证在整个项目规划下的想法,因而成立了OZ数位。

Kico: 动画方面使用MAYAAE
游戏方面使用3DS MAX

Kico: 我们会在一开始筛选适合作品能力的团队,接着会透过『制作测试』了解沟通的能力、文件阅读以及问题提问的能力,并且从中评估外包在进度、配合度、品管稳定度等方面的状况。若是一些配合度很好,但质量、品管稳定度还不足的团队我们也会给予一些管理上的建议,后续看看改善状况如何。

Kico: 中资进入台湾市场大多是俱有台湾背景,但又熟悉中资的台湾人所牵起的。





Kico: 台湾游戏公司大多具备成熟的开发经验,虽然比较晚切入手游市场,但也刚好手游市场度过了初始的混乱期,开始有了一些领域形态的确定,在具备过去开发经验作为基础下,技术上要进入手游市场不是特别难的事,而是确认在手游市场上的方向会比较难抉择。



Kico: 团队合作对游戏开发当然是非常重要的,但这需具备几个前提,一个是对于分工的观念,另一个就是执行的整合与成效的改善,如此才能在跨领域彼此的衔接上能达到各自的发挥又能相结合,达成合作真正的意义。

Kico: Unity是对开发者很友善的工具,具备跨平台、以及各种编辑工具,面对现有市场的急速竞争与跨平台延伸整合,若开发者能善用unity,能节省很多自有开发时程与成本。

Kico: 小型工作室通常会面临几个问题
1. 资金不足,人力捉襟见肘
2. 产品缺乏价值核心
3. 执行预算的概念缺乏
4. 外包能力不足
5. 缺乏营运经验








纳金网:您觉得微信上的小游戏或是快速开发的游戏,例如Flappy Bird这类的,是否会对中大型的游戏造成威胁?
Kico: 根本不可能,这类超轻小游戏跟大中型游戏的玩家群体不是一群人。

Kico: 团队本身若能在之前的公司累积较成熟的经验是较好的,如果是小型团队或是个人,则要克服专业领域的分工问题,即使是小型游戏,该具备的专业要素、流程、以及在市场上胜出的条件仍都需具足。



Kico: 2014年 OZ拓展手游自制研发,这一年对OZ来说无疑是个重要的一年,对一个新加入手游战场的公司来说,虽然研发团队成员都是业内资深老手,但面对第一款自主研发的游戏产品,要学习的事还很多,也背负相当重的自我期许。












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Interviewee: The leader of Taiwan OZ Digital Animation - Kico Yang (Hereinafter referred to as Yang)

Classic works:
2001  Softstar XuanYuan Sword Rift of the Sky, means OZ went into the field of CG animation.
2009 Softstar XuanYuan Sword Rift of the Sky Online, means OZ went into the field of game art production.

When was OZ founded and what is the motive?
Yang: OZ was founded in 2001. Inspired by the Hollywood movie special effects such as Jurassic Park, and Japanese game FF7, FF8 at that time, we hoped to develop the full CG animation with the role-playing and story. Moreover, we wanted to prove the idea of ​​the whole project planning, so we have set up OZ Digital Animation.

What software is mainly used for your projects?
Yang: MAYA and AE are used to create animation, and 3DS MAX is used to make games

What are the requirements for outsourcing?
Yang: we will screen the teams at the outset, then test their communication skills, the ability to read documents and ask questions through Production Test, from which we assess the progress rate, cooperation and quality control stability of outsourcing. We will give the teams with good cooperation and poor quality control stability advice on the management, then follow-up have a look.

How do you think that Chinese capital come into the Taiwan game market in recent years?
Yang:  Chinese capital generally is introduced by Taiwanese, who have the Taiwan background and are familiar with Chinese capital. They take Chinese capital as the backing, and regard the Taiwan market as the management stage.

These companies have about two directions of operation:

Some establish agency of the Chinese capital backing in Taiwan, which introduce Chinese mainland games into Taiwan.

The other establishes companies of the Chinese capital backing in Taiwan. Through the Taiwan art to do for skin, they want to expand the overseas market.

The games of these agencies almost are the ancient costume, which has created some pressure on taiwan's game companies in the ancient costume market. Chinese mainland games have more advantages over taiwan's in the marketing budget, the number of products, game content.

But in other respects, Taiwan’s game companies have fans to always support their puzzle and lovely games, which are very popular in Japan and South Korea. So they are relatively unaffected.

Overall, Taiwan’s game companies should think about how to grasp the nettle. There are requirements for capital and technology in the past, and  products of the ancient costume may be sold in the Chinese mainland. Now the requirements for capital and technology in the mobile game market are reduced, so a lot of teams and products has appeared. How to meet the challenge and enter the Chinese mainland market are testing Taiwan’s game companies.

Is it slowly for game companies of Taiwan to enter the mobile game market? what's the difference between game companies of Taiwan and Chinese mainland game companies?
Yang: Most of game companies of Taiwan have the mature experience in the development. The Mobile Game Market has ended the initial period of confusion and identified some field forms. Although relatively late to enter the Mobile Game Market, it is not particularly difficult for them to enter the mobile game market in the technology. They will hardly decide the direction on the mobile game market.

Compared with Chinese mainland game companies, development teams in Taiwan will make unique products rather than to follow the trend, and will think foreign markets besides the Chinese mainland market as development possible. Moreover their game themes are not limited to Chinese costume.

There are two types of the Chinese mainland team, that one is the small team, the other is large team obtaining funds to establish.

In general, game companies of Taiwan are not large scale. There are many teams composed of 3 to 4 people. Even the old game companies, their team is composed of less than 10 people. So game companies of Taiwan will not develop big games.

How’s the importance of teamwork in game development?
Yang: Teamwork is very important to the game development. Meanwhile, it need several premises. One is the division, the other is the execution. So as to play their own advantages, and cooperate with each other, reach the real significance of cooperation.

What do you think of the Unity engine?
Yang: The Unity engine is a very friendly tool for developers. With the cross-platform function and a variety of editing tools, the Unity engine can extend and integrate the cross-platform facing the fierce market competition. If developers can make good use of the Unity engine, can save a lot of schedule and cost of its own development.

How about the small studios and individual developers now?
Yang: Small studios often face several problems,
1. Lack the money and manpower
2. Products lack core value
3. Lack the budget concept
4. Lack outsourcing capabilities
5. Lack operation experience

Because many people consider to set up a small studio or do individual business for lack of money.

As regards the first point, there is not enough manpower to complete the work quickly, so that the development time will be extended.

The second point, for lack of money, some development teams will make popular games in the market to survive and avoid failure. They reduce the risk of market acceptance and shorten development time by changing the skin, plagiarism and other means. But it should be noted that most of the teams are doing the exact same products, it is not easy to have their works stand out.  The products of low risk and no characteristics are too easy to ignore.

The third point, to the small studios, particularly for first time entrepreneurs, the reasonable budget cannot be mastered well. Moreover, lack of reserve funds and no elastic strain, it is easy to end up halfway when changes.

Different from the first point is for internal staff, the fourth point is that because of lack of experience, pre-planning and decision-making, the outsourcing requires a lot of follow-up changes, and wastes limited funds.

The last point, many small studios and individual developers break away from the corporate world and start their own companies, and they may only have the professional experience in a single field. Moreover, they lack the experience and idea of market operation, and make products hard to produce economic benefits.

Do you think the small games or games developed rapidly on the WEIXIN will pose a threat to large games, such as Flappy Bird?
Yang: It is impossible, they attract different persons.

For the teams and individuals planning to enter the mobile game market, what's your advice?
Yang: It is better if the team can accumulate more mature experience before. They should solve the problem of the division of labor in the professional field for the small teams and individuals. Even the small game, should meet all requirements, including professional elements, processes and other conditions.

The most valuable part of the entrepreneurship is that you can prove your own ideas. Whether raising funds firstly to make the game you want, or making the game you want firstly, both will meet their difficulties. You need to always keep passion on the original target without being influenced by the negative mind.

It's interesting in this industry that more money does not mean most popular games, and less money does not mean no chance. Mainly see how many ideas given in the products by individuals, but also look at the game developers’ market sensitivity.

What's plan for OZ in the next two to three years?
Yang: The plan for OZ in the next two to three years

OZ has researched and developed mobile games since 2014, and without doubt this year is important for OZ.

For the new company entering the mobile game market, although the R & D team is composed of senior people in the industry, we still have a lot to learn, and also bear quite heavy self-expectations.

Mobile game market is the trend of the future, and the new business model with the network channel has also brought more possibility for the R & D team to directly face users. The strengths of OZ are the 3D making and server connection technology. In the next two to three years, OZ will come to the game content of severe connection forms from the game content of micro connection forms. Moreover, with the product content as the center, OZ expands the creation and management of the community and its own IP. OZ regards the prospects of wearable accessories. With the gradual application of wearable accessories, OZ will develop the corresponding game forms, then create exclusive game market different from the online, web, and home host forms.

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This is great tutorial !
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嘿。。楼上的兄弟是没看懂吧? 这个不是教程啊
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