Apex Path handles hundreds of units, local avoidance steering, dynamic obstacles, and changing geometry.
One-click quick starts, ensure an intuitive set-up with no coding experience required.
It is very easy to extend and add your own behaviors to fit your games' specific requirements.
Features include:
- One-click setup
- Dynamic obstacles
- Multi-threading
- Load balancing
- Height maps
- Portals
- Multiple grids
- Dynamic Pathfinding
- Basic Steering with local avoidance
- Attributes
- Multiple platforms
- Multiple algorithms
- Patrol routes
- Extensibility
- Integration with forthcoming modules from Apex Game Tools
Apex Path is packed with more than 20 examples and tutorials to get a clear overview of the features and get you started handling any game scenario.
作者: hyui 时间: 2014-9-5 05:01
Is this 111 or 1.2.1 ? But I'm very thankful for you great shares with community !!! You are the best !作者: Kadina 时间: 2014-9-5 07:34
thankful for you great shares作者: cgjch8 时间: 2014-9-5 08:48
thankful for you 作者: ZackD 时间: 2014-9-5 13:10
hyui 发表于 2014-9-5 05:01
Is this 111 or 1.2.1 ? But I'm very thankful for you great shares with community !!! You are the bes ...