JSON .NET brings the power of Json andBson serialization to Unity 3.5+ (both Free and Pro). This is port has been modified to be fully compatible with Unity and has been extensively tested. It even works on iOS and has been engineered to be compatible with AOT.
Tested On and Supports:
iOS, Android, WebPlayer, PC/Mac, Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1, Windows Store Apps 8.0 and 8.1, Windows Store Universal
Note: GameObjects and MonoBehaviors cannot be serialized directly as well as some built in classes (such as Texture2D that doesn't have a public parameterless constructor) but they are simple to serialize using either proxy classes or creating a custom ContractResolver or JsonConverter. JSON .NET is super extensible.
No DLL - This asset includes full source code
Works in iOS - No more AOT Errors from JSON .NET
Supports both JSON and BSON (binary) Serialization
Retains original JSON .NET namespaces
Supports Stripping down to ByteCode Level on both iOS and Android
Supports Micro Mscorlib on Android (but not iOS due to platform limitation).
JSON .NET for Unity retains the original namespaces and structure of the Newtonsoft Json.Net library with Unity supported features. This means that it will function as a drop-in replacement for the existing Json.Net dll for users who wish to target iOS and Web Player but need to use first class serialization.