MultiScatter is a new product, based on VRayScatter technology its designed to work not only with V-Ray but with Mental Ray too.
New in MultiScatter: multi-core processing support! It uses all available CPU cores and therefore runs much quicker than VRayScatter which can only use one CPU core. And more!
MultiScatter allows VRay and Mentalray to generate huge amount of objects in array.
The support for 64-bit systems allows MultiScatter to create and submit for render, for example, forest or even a city in a blink of an eye.
Quick render time generation of objects with optimized RAM management makes process of scene creation as easy as ABC.
作者: hyui 时间: 2014-7-26 19:19
Wow this is great share !作者: 起风了 时间: 2014-8-16 22:15
很强大!!作者: 333ddd 时间: 2014-8-17 20:15
Wow this is great share !作者: 番茄先生 时间: 2016-1-9 17:42
非常好,感动到哭,其他地方都找不到作者: HCh_En 时间: 2016-1-19 12:14
希望vr3.0能用吧作者: lm_cw 时间: 2016-2-18 12:25
感谢分享~~~~~~作者: jwtssnh 时间: 2016-2-21 12:07
啊是短发短发作者: yjckdyz 时间: 2016-2-29 10:38
HAO QIANG DA作者: 451549728 时间: 2016-2-29 22:09
好东西啊 找了很久了 作者: wangye5321 时间: 2016-4-5 13:51
谢谢分享,不知道3.2版本的vray可不可以作者: hankjohn 时间: 2016-5-29 15:44
max2014s试试能用吗作者: qq1050091204 时间: 2016-5-30 16:38
好牛的一个插件!作者: xiaolei188 时间: 2016-8-2 11:20
w in MultiScatter: multi-core processing support! It uses all available CPU cores and therefore runs much quicker than VRayScatter which can only use one CPU core. And more!
MultiScatter allows VRay and Mentalray to generate huge amount of objects in array.
The support for 64-bit systems allows MultiScatter to create and submit for render, for example作者: zgcg 时间: 2016-11-27 16:12
支持。。。。。。。。。。。。。作者: ctsuhaihua 时间: 2016-12-1 16:50
2014版64位能不能用丫作者: chenn 时间: 2016-12-21 08:29
好,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,作者: 大师兄 时间: 2016-12-29 14:35
下载了好几个,都是用1.2改的,希望这个不是作者: sssdtl 时间: 2017-3-28 18:37 更符合法规及规范合格后方可,苦瓜好困过会反馈给凤凰科技作者: comeback 时间: 2017-3-29 00:41