
标题: 时尚老兵入侵硅谷 IVY ROSS掌舵谷歌眼镜 [打印本页]

作者: lut_456    时间: 2014-5-19 15:54
标题: 时尚老兵入侵硅谷 IVY ROSS掌舵谷歌眼镜

谷歌上周末发布消息,任命时尚业老兵 Ivy Ross 领导谷歌眼镜团队——Ross之前曾在 Calvin Klein,Swatch,Coach, 博士伦隐形眼镜,美泰玩具和Gap等一连串时尚和零售品牌工作。她是离开 Art.com 来到 Google 的, 在这里,她的职位将被命名为“Head of Glass”.


时尚老兵IVY ROSS掌舵谷歌眼镜


  就在今年3月,Google宣布与全球最大的眼镜商 Luxottica (RayBan, Prada 等)达成协议,面向美国市场,合作设计、生产和销售谷歌眼镜。



  最近时尚和奢侈品高管颇受高科技企业青睐,苹果公司先从YSL 挖来前任 CEO Paul Deneve ,又以6800万美元的股权激励红包从Burberry 挖来了著名女强人 Angela Ahrendts。

  以下是 Ivy Ross 上任前夕写给 Google Glass 团队的第一封公开信:

  A letter to our Glass Explorers, from the head of Glass

  My name is Ivy Ross, and I’m excited to be joining Google on Monday, May 19 to lead our Glass efforts. With your help, I look forward to answering the seemingly simple, but truly audacious questions Glass poses: Can technology be something that frees us up and keeps us in the moment, rather than taking us out of it? Can it help us look up and out at the world around us, and the people who share it with us?  I have spent my career–Calvin Klein, Swatch, Coach, Mattel, Bausch & Lomb, Gap and, most recently, Art.com–at the intersection of design and marketing, trying to answer questions like this in different ways, for different products.  But Glass is especially cool, as no one has really tried to answer them with a product like this before. That’s our job, Explorers!  I’m just getting started on Glass, but, because of all of you, and your thoughtful and smart feedback, I feel like I have an incredible head start.  And I look forward to learning even more from you, and experiencing Glass together。

  Ivy Ross

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