
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]iOS:背景的unity渲染途径之顶点照明渲染路径细节 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2013-2-21 17:06
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]iOS:背景的unity渲染途径之顶点照明渲染路径细节
This page describes details of Vertex Lit rendering path.本章节描述了顶点照明渲染路径的细节。Vertex Lit path generally renders each object in one pass, with lighting from all lights calculated at object vertices.顶点照明渲染路径通常在一个通道中渲染物体,所有光源的照明都是在物体的顶点上进行计算的。It's the fastest rendering path and has widest hardware support (however, keep in mind: it does not work on consoles).顶点照明渲染路径是最快的渲染路径并且有最广泛的硬件支持(然而,请记住:它无法工作在游戏机上)。Since all lighting is calculated at vertex level, this rendering path does not support most of per-pixel effects: shadows, normal mapping, light cookies, highly detailed specular highlights are not supported.由于所有的光照都是在顶点层级上计算的,此渲染路径不支持大部分的逐像素渲染效果:如,阴影、法线贴图、灯光遮罩、高精度的高光。

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