
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]组件:资源组件之渲染纹理 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2013-1-25 15:02
标题: [Unity 组件参考手册]组件:资源组件之渲染纹理
Assets are the models, textures, sounds and all other "content" files from which you make your game.资源就是模型,纹理,声音和所有其他"内容",制作游戏所用的文件。This section describes Components for all asset types. For a general overview of assets, see Assets overview page.本部分介绍所有资源类型的组件。想要知道资源的一般概述,请参阅资源概览页面。 下面介绍渲染纹理。Render Textures are special types of Textures that are created and updated at&nbsp***ntime. To use them, you first create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. Then you can use the Render Texture in a Material just like a regular Texture. The Water prefabs in Unity Standard Assets are an example of real-world use of Render Textures for making real-time reflections and refractions.渲染纹理是一种特殊的纹理类型在运行时产生和更新。要使用他们,你首先要创建一个新的渲染纹理并且要指定一个摄像机进行渲染。然后你可以在材质中使用渲染纹理就像常规的纹理一样。在Unity Standard Assets中的Water的预置体就是一个真实的世界使用渲染纹理来实时进行反射和折射的例子。Render Textures are a Unity Pro feature.渲染纹理是Unity Pro版本的功能。
[Properties 属性]The Render Texture Inspector is different from most Inspectors, but very similar to the Texture Inspector.渲染纹理的监视面板和大多数监视面板不同,但是和纹理监视面板非常相似。
The Render Texture Inspector is almost identical to the Texture Inspector
渲染纹理的监视面板和纹理的监视面板几乎相同。The Render Texture inspector displays the current contents of Render Texture in realtime and can be an invaluable debugging tool for effects that use render textures.渲染纹理的监视面板展示了实时渲染纹理的当前内容,并且有一个可贵的调试工具来调试渲染纹理的效果。----------------------------------------------------------------------------Size 大小
    The size of the Render Texture in pixels. Observe that only power-of-two values sizes can be chosen.
    Aniso Level 各向异性等级
    Increases Texture quality when viewing the texture at a steep angle. Good for floor and ground textures
    Filter Mode 过滤模式
    Selects how the Texture is filtered when it gets stretched by 3D transformations:
        No Filtering 无过滤
    The Texture becomes blocky up close
        Bilinear 双线性
    The Texture becomes blurry up close
        Trilinear 三线性
    Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the different mip levels
    Wrap Mode 循环模式
    Selects how the Texture behaves when tiled:
        Repeat 重复
    The Texture repeats (tiles) itself
        Clamp 钳制
    The Texture's edges get stretched
    纹理的边缘得到伸展。----------------------------------------------------------------------------[Example 例子]A very quick way to make a live arena-camera in your game:在你的游戏中创建一个实时的舞台摄像机有一个非常快速的方式:    Create a new Render Texture asset using Assets->Create->Render Texture.
    通过 Assets->Create->Render Texture.创建一个渲染纹理资源。
    Create a new Camera using GameObject->Create Other->Camera.
    通过GameObject->Create Other->Camera.创建一个新的摄像机。
    Assign the Render Texture to the Target Texture of the new Camera.
    给新的摄像机的Target Texture指定渲染纹理。
    Create a wide, tall and thin box
    Drag the Render Texture onto it to create a Material that uses the render texture.
    Enter Play Mode, and observe that the box's texture is updated in real-time based on the new Camera's output.
Render Textures are set up as demonstrated above
----------------------------------------------------------------------------[Hints 提示]    Unity renders everything in the texture assigned to RenderTexture.active.

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