
标题: 从Cinema 4D导入物体 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2013-1-24 21:01
标题: 从Cinema 4D导入物体
Unity natively imports Cinema 4D files. To get started, simply place your .c4d file in your project's Assets folder. When you switch back into Unity, the scene is imported automatically and will show up in the Project View.Unity支持原生的Cinema 4D文件导入。让我们来做一个小列子,直接将.4D文件放置到你的工程资源文件夹下面,当你切换回unity3d的时候你会发现,资源会自动导入,并在你的工程面板中显示出来。To see your model in Unity, simply drag it from the Project View into the Scene View.只需要将你的模型简单的从工程面板拖拽到场景中你就可在unity3d中查看你的模型。If you modify your .c4d file, Unity will automatically update whenever you save.如果你修改了你的.4d文件,unity将自动在你保存cinema4D场景的时候更新。
[Unity currently imports  Unity当前能从Cinema4D导入的资源]    All objects with position, rotation and scale. Pivot points and Names are also imported.
    Meshes with UVs and normals.
    Materials with Texture and diffuse color. Multiple materials per mesh.
    Animations FK (IK needs to be manually baked).
    正向动力学(FK)和反向动力学(IK)动画。(ik需要手动烘培注: Cinema4D13可以使用fbx插件的烘培选项)
    Bone-based animations.
    基于骨骼动画。Unity does not import Point Level Animations (PLA) at the moment. Use Bone-based animations instead.Unity不支持导入顶点动画,可以使用基本骨骼动画来代顶点动画。
[Animated Characters using IK 使用IK动画角色]If you are using IK to animate your characters in Cinema 4D, you have to bake the IK before exporting using the Plugins->Mocca->Cappucino menu. If you don't bake your IK prior to importing into Unity, you will most likely only get animated locators but no animated bones.如果在Cinema4D中为你的角色设置了IK动画,你必须在导出角色前使用Plugins->Mocca->Cappucino烘培IK动画。如果你不烘培IK动画,你将有可能只导入了虚拟物体而不会导入骨骼动画。
[Requirements 需求]    You need to have at least Cinema 4D version 8.5 installed to import .c4d files.
    如果你想直接导入 .c4d文件,你必须在你的电脑中安装8.5以上版本的Cinema 4D If you don't have Cinema 4D installed on your machine but want to import a Cinema 4D file from another machine, you can export to the FBX format, which Unity imports natively:如果你没有在你的电脑中安装Cinema 4D程序,但又希望使用从其他电脑中制作的Cinema 4D文件,那么你可以将文件输出为unity默认支持的fbx格式。    Open the Cinema 4D file
    打开Cinema 4D 文件 。
    In Cinema 4D choose File->Export->FBX 6.0
    在Cinema 4D file中选择File->Export->FBX 6.0 (高版本Cnima4D中可以选择输出FBX的版本)。
    Place the exported fbx file in the Unity project's Assets folder. Unity will now automatically import the fbx file.
    将输出的fbx文件放置到Unity工程目下的Assets文件夹下。Unity将自动导入fbx文件。  [Hints 提示]    To maximize import speed when importing Cinema 4D files: go to the Cinema 4D preferences (Edit->references) and select the FBX 6.0 preferences. Now uncheck Embed Textures.
    最大限度的加速导入Cinema4D文件:选择Cinema4D设置(Edit->references)选择FBX导出设置。去掉嵌入纹理Embed Textures选项。  [Behind the import process (Advanced) 导入过程的背后(高级)]When Unity imports a Cinema 4D file it will automatically install a Cinema 4D plugin and launch Cinema 4D in the background. Unity then communicates with Cinema 4D to convert the .c4d file into a format Unity can read. The first time you import a .c4d file and Cinema 4D is not open yet it will take a short while to launch it but afterwards importing .c4d files will be very quick.当Unity导入一个Cinema4D文件时,会自动安装一个Cinema4D插件,并在后台启动Cinma4D。Unity会连接Cinema 4D将 .c4d格式转换为Unity可读取的格式。当你第一次导入.c4d文件到unity的时候Cinema4D没有启动的情况下,需要等待一段时间运行Cinema4D,不过以后导入时会变得很快。
[Cinema 4D 10 support 支持Cinema 4D 10]When importing .c4d files directly, Unity behind the scenes lets Cinema 4D convert its files to FBX. When Maxon shipped Cinema 4D 10.0, the FBX exporter was severly broken. With Cinema 4D 10.1 a lot of the issues have been fixed. Thus we strongly recommend everyone using Cinema 4D 10 to upgrade to 10.1.当直接导入.c4d格式的时候,Unity会自动将Cinema4D在后台转换为FBX格式。但是Maxon发布的Cinema4D 10.0 FBX输出插件出现了一些问题,不过这些问题都在后续的Cinema4D 更新版本10.1中修正了。因此我们强烈建议所有使用Cinema4D 10版本的用户更新到10.1版本。Now there are still some issues left in Maxons FBX exporter. It seems that currently there is no reliable way of exporting animated characters that use the Joint's introduced in Cinema 4D 10. However the old bone system available in 9.6 exports perfectly fine. Thus when creating animated characters it is critical that you use the old bone system instead of joints.目前Maxons的FBX导出插件还存在一些小问题,现在还没有一个完美的解决方案用以导出带有Cinema4D10骨骼的动画角色。不过9.6老版本的骨骼系统还是可以完美的导出的。因此当你创建一个动画角色的时候还是必须使用旧的骨骼系统而不要使用关节工具。

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