标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】全球照明:为辐照缓存基于误差控制的实用Hessian矩阵 [打印本页] 作者: . 时间: 2012-12-24 14:30 标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】全球照明:为辐照缓存基于误差控制的实用Hessian矩阵 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】
Practical Hessian-Based Error Control for Irradiance Caching
Jorge Schwarzhaupt, Henrik Wann Jensen, Wojciech Jarosz 我们的新闭合Hessian矩阵可以为辐照缓存显示150像素的梯度和最大间距。它还可以执行显示最近由Jarosz等发表的闭合Hessian矩阵错误的衡量标准。 [2012年]。Our new Occlusion Hessian significantly outperforms both the Pure and the Bounded Split-Sphere (clamped to the gradient and 150px max spacing) for irradiance caching. It also performs significantly better than the recently published occlusion-unaware Hessian error metrics by Jarosz et al. [2012].要了解该论文的详情呢,就下载附件好好研究一下哈~更多新技术分享尽在Web3D纳金网http://www.narkii.com/