
标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】物理模型:直升机:分割成3D打印零件模型 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2012-12-13 11:23
标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】物理模型:直升机:分割成3D打印零件模型
【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】物理模型:直升机:分割成3D打印零件模型

Chopper: Partitioning Models into 3D-Printable Parts

Linjie Luo, Ilya Baran, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Wojciech Matusik


Abstract:3D printing technology is rapidly maturing and becoming ubiquitous. One of the remaining obstacles to wide-scale adoption is that the object to be printed must fit into the working volume of the 3D printer. We propose a framework, called Chopper, to decompose a large 3D object into smaller parts so that each part fits into the printing volume. These parts can then be assembled to form the original object. We formulate a number of desirable criteria for the partition, including assemblability, having few components, unob***siveness of the seams, and s***ctural soundness. Chopper optimizes these criteria and generates a partition either automatically or with user guidance. Our prototype outputs the final decomposed parts with customized connectors on the interfaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Chopper on a variety of non-trivial real-world objects.



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