Leaving to form the backbone of ---- Shandong team to undertake 3 dimensional art outsourcing project
The team with the establishment in 2009 32 players is now increased to more than 10people for each big game company staff member is mainly composed of a famous game of the backbone of the company
Staff, such as: Virtuos ( France), perfect and royal, etc.
After years of major game development company and a variety of experience in project development. Is committed to providing high quality services and overseas tour game development
Service Outsourcing : play
To undertake the project types
Client game level person mode, characters, props and scene 3D model; action
Webpage game level person mode, characters, props and scene such as 3D to 2D models ; action
Age, characters, props and scene
Role of 2 dimensional scene props
Responsible person: Mr. Liu 作者: . 时间: 2012-12-4 11:02