FingerGestures is a scripting package forUnity that lets you easily detect and react to common input gesturesperformed with either a mouse or a touch screen device, using one ormore fingers.
Main Features
Single and multi-finger gesture recognizers for Drag, Tap, Swipe, Long-Press, Pinch, Rotate
Finger events: Down, Up, Move, Stationary
An easy and smooth integration with Unity’s workflow
A straightforward and streamlined event-driven API to quickly get started without digging too deep
A rich and powerful object-oriented gesture framework for maximum control
An efficient, low memory usage implementation
Finger/Touch abstraction: mouse and touchscreen inputs go through the same pipe!
A Toolbox packed with no-coding-required & ready-to-use scripts including:
Drag & drop system
Smooth orbit camera using drag and pinch gestures to rotate, zoom and pan
Pinch-Zoom camera
Several easy-to-follow sample scenes that will progressively introduce you to the libraryWorks on desktop, iOS and Android platformsSupport for both Javascript and C#Includes full C# source code with comments and online documentation