
标题: [粒子]原创特效插件Xffect Editor [打印本页]

作者: 铁锹    时间: 2012-9-7 10:34
标题: [粒子]原创特效插件Xffect Editor
Xffect是自己的一个项目,因为unity内置的particle system不适合做游戏魔法特效,比如每个particle的长与宽只能同比例缩放,粒子的面朝向自由度不够,速度控制太麻烦等。。所以做了Xffect,其功能大致与火炬之光粒子编辑器TorchED相同。


Xffect is a completely independent effect editor for unity3d. It aims at providing an high performance and easy effect solution inside unity. with a various way to change each node's scale, rotation, color, uv, velocity and face direction, you can create amazing game effects!
Why Xffect Editor?
The unity's build-in particle system is great to create some simulation effect, like smoke, steam and other atmospheric effects. but it's not a good solution to create game effects, like magic, lightning, power explode and so on. because these effects are more simpler: just a bunch of sprites or other render types, and the particle system can't manage each node as a sprite, for example, it can't change the X and Y size separate. So I create the "Xffect Editor" , it's kind of a particle system, but more simpler and more appropriate to create game effect.

    Full Inspector integration.
    8 amazing game effects inside.
    All C# source code include, with no dll or external resource.
    Make each effect that take 1 draw call.
    Provide a heat distortion shader for unity pro.
    Keep Updating.


作者: yeu1233    时间: 2012-9-7 11:04

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