
标题: Unity3D中JavaScript与C#对比(四) [打印本页]

作者: yeu1233    时间: 2012-9-5 14:11
标题: Unity3D中JavaScript与C#对比(四)
yielding pauses代码对于游戏编程是相当有用的,你可以用它更好的控制你游戏中的事件。无论是用JavaScript或C#都不能简单的中断Update()方法。相信你已经猜到了,我们今天要议论的是这两种语言对此的解决方案有什么不同。我们这节中会给出这种解决方案的常用实例。现在我们来看看JavaScript是如何yield的:

private vartextS : String;  

private varcounter : float = 0;  

functionUpdate ()  


//call the function that waits three seconds to***cute  



//This function waits three seconds before***cuting  



//Waits three seconds  

yield WaitForSeconds(3);

//converts the counter to a String and stores its value in textS  

textS = "Three seconds has passed, now I'm counting..."+counter.ToString();

//add one to the counter  




function OnGUI()


//The next line displays the first line of text  

GUI.Label(new Rect(20,20,250,20), "I will start counting in 3 seconds.");

//Displays the counter  

GUI.Label(new Rect(20,40,500,20),textS);




using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;  

public class Yield : MonoBehaviour


privatestring textS;

private float counter = 0;  

voidUpdate ()


//doesn't generate an error but doesn't work either.

WaitThreeSeconds();//<=does nothing  

//start the coroutine named WaitThreeSeconds  



//Waits three seconds before***cuting  

    IEnumerator WaitThreeSeconds()  


//Waits three seconds  

yield return newWaitForSeconds(3);

//converts the counter to a String and stores its value in textS

textS = "Three seconds has passed, now I'm counting..." + counter.ToString();

//add one to the counter  




void OnGUI()


//The next line displays the first line of text  

GUI.Label(newRect(20,20,250,20), "I will start counting in 3 seconds.");

//Displays the counter  

GUI.Label(new Rect(20,40,500,20),textS);




    另外一个区别就是在21行,我们要用yield return new WaitForSeconds(3)来替换 yield WaitForSeconds(3)代码,因为我们用IEnumerator接口需要一个返回值。

    希望这节我解释的足够明白了。下一节我会像向你们展示在JavaScript 和C#中使用Raycast类得区别。

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