Here are the textures I used for the green paint on the clock:
These were the first two color maps I blended:
This is the dirt mask I used for the blending.
Then on top of that I added another texture and dirt mask for blending:
Color map:
Dirt mask:
This is what the Blend process looks like:
Once I get all my textures in place I go in and add a bump map to all my textures. I’ll either take the color maps and desaturate them in Photoshop or just put the color map in the bump map slot. Depending on the type of texture I will usually leave the bump intensity *ting at 30 or take it up to around 65.
I enabled Vray Shadows and gave the light a slight yellowish tint.
我使用了 Vray Shadows 并且让光源呈现轻微的黄色。
Also, I made sure the Light Cone encompassed all the geometry in the scene.
And enabled Area Shadows.
I left most render *tings at their default values. I will highlight the *tings I adjusted.
I uncheck Default lights and checked the On button to enable GI under the Indirect Illumination tab.
我关闭了 Default lights (缺省照明)然后在 Indirect Illumination (间接照明)标签下打开了 On 按钮以允许 GI。
Reflection options : Be sure to check the Reflective option on under GI caustics in the Indirect Illumination tab and add color to the Reflection/refraction environment override option so that anything with reflective qualities will show up.
Color mapping : I tend to use Linear color mapping for outdoor scenes and Exponential or HSV Exponential color mapping for my indoor scenes.
染色贴图:我趋向于为室外场景使用 Linear color mapping(线性色彩贴图),然后用 Exponential(指数)或者 HSV Exponential(HSV 指数)色彩贴图来作为我的室内场景选择。
Test rendering : When I want to see what I have quickly I’ll * the Adaptive Subdivision (under the Antialiasing tab) at : Min: -1 Max: +2 , for Irradiance Map *tings: under Basic Parameters, I * the Min rate at -3 and Max rate at -3 . The HSph. SubDivisions on: 30 and Interp. Samples: 20 .
Final rendering : For the best quality I adjust the Irradiance map *tings according to the size of the render. For example, a render at 640×480 : under the Basic Parameters I make the Min rate -3 and Max rate -1 . For double that size, I take the numbers down by one. So the Min and Max rate for a 1280×960 render would be -4 and -2 respectively. Double that size again, 2560×1920, and I take the numbers down by one again on the Min and Max rate (-5, -3) , and so on and so on for every time I double the size of my render. I take the Adaptive Subdivision Antialiasing Min and Max rate to 0 and 2 respectively for the final render. For the HSph. SubDivisions I will * it to around 60 and * the Interp. Samples to around 50 .
最终渲染:为了更好的质量按照不同的渲染尺寸我调整了 Irradiance map 设置。举例来说,640×480 的渲染:在基础参数下我修改了 Min rate -3 并且 Max rate -1。对于两倍的尺寸,我把参数下降了一个数值。因此对于 1280×960 的渲染来说Min 与 Max rate 各自为-4和-2,再次的双倍尺寸,2560×1920, 我同样把参数下降了一个数值 Min 与 Max rate为(-5, -3),以此类推在所有时候我都为我的渲染进行两倍尺寸的设置。为了最终的渲染我把 Adaptive Subdivision Antialiasing 的 Min 与 Max rate分别设置为 0 和 2。HSph. SubDivisions 我将设置在 60 左右并且把 Interp. Samples 设置在 50 左右。
Here’s the image right after rendering it in Vray. It’s a little too dark and flat for my taste so I’ll take it into Photoshop and touch it up a little.