If you would like your particles to change colors or fade in/out, enable them to Animate Color and specify the colors for the cycle. Any particle system that animates color will cycle through the 5 colors you choose. The speed at which they cycle will be determined by the Emitter's Energy value.
Setting values in either the Local or World Rotation Axes will cause all spawned particles to rotate around the indicated axis (with the Transform's position as the center). The greater the value is entered on one of these axes, the faster the rotation will be.
Setting values in the Local Axes will cause the rotating particles to adjust their rotation as the Transform's rotation changes, to match its local axes.
Setting values in the World Axes will cause the particles' rotation to be consistent, regardless of the Transform's rotation.
Forces & Damping(外力和阻尼)
You use force to make particles accelerate in the direction specified by the force.
Damping can be used to decelerate or accelerate without changing their direction:
· A value of 1 means no Damping is applied, the particles will not slow down or accelerate.
· A value of 0 means particles will stop immediately.
· A value of 2 means particles will double their speed every second.
· 值为1表示没有阻尼应用,这些粒子将不会减速或加速。
· 值为0表示粒子将立即停止。
· 值为2表示粒子每秒双倍速(加减速)。
Destroying GameObjects attached to Particles(破坏游戏对象到粒子的附属关系)
You can destroy the Particle System and any attached GameObject by enabling the AutoDes***ct property. For example, if you have an oil ***m, you can attach a Particle System that has Emit disabled and AutoDes***ct enabled. On collision, you enable the Particle Emitter. The explosion will occur and after it is over, the Particle System and the oil ***m will be destroyed and removed from the scene.
Note that automatic des***ction takes effect only after some particles have been emitted. The precise***les for when the object is destroyed when AutoDes***ct is on:
The World Particle Collider is used to collide particles against other Colliders in the scene.
A Particle System colliding with a Mesh Collider一个粒子系统与一个网格碰撞体发生碰撞
Bounce Factor
Particles can be accelerated or slowed down when they collide against other objects. This factor is similar to the Particle Animator's Damping property. 粒子在与其他物体碰撞时,可以加速或减缓。该属性与粒子动画的阻尼属性类似。
Collision Energy Loss
Amount of energy (in seconds) a particle should lose when colliding. If the energy goes below 0, the particle is killed. 粒子碰撞时丢失的活力总和(每秒)。如果低于0,粒子被消灭。
Min Kill Velocity
If a particle's Velocity drops below Min Kill Velocity because of a collision, it will be eliminated. 如果一个粒子因为碰撞,速度下降低于该值,它会被剔除。
Collides with
Which Layers the particle will collide against.粒子相对碰撞的层
Send Collision Message
If enabled, every particle sends out a collision message that you can catch through scripting. 如果启用,每个粒子发出一个碰撞消息,你可以通过脚本捕获。
To create a Particle System with Particle Collider:
1. Create a Particle System using GameObject->Create Other->article System
2. Add the Particle Collider using Component->articles->World Particle Collider
If Send Collision Message is enabled, any particles that are in a collision will send the message OnParticleCollision() to both the particle's GameObject and the GameObject the particle collided with.
· Send Collision Message can be used to simulate bullets and apply damage on impact.
· Particle Collision Detection is slow when used with a lot of particles. Use Particle Collision Detection wisely.
· Message sending introduces a large overhead and shouldn't be used for normal Particle Systems.
· 发送碰撞消息可用于模拟子弹和运用撞击损坏
· 使用很多粒子时,粒子碰撞检测是缓慢的。明智地使用粒子碰撞检测。
· 消息发送引入了大量的开销,不应该用于正常的粒子系统。
Particle Renderer(粒子渲染器)
The Particle Renderer renders the Particle System on screen.
The Particle Renderer Inspector粒子渲染器检视视图
Reference to a list of Materials that will be displayed in the position of each individual particle. 将在每个粒子个体的位置显示的材质参考清单。
Camera Velocity Scale相机速度比例
The amount of stretching that is applied to the Particles based on Camera movement.基于相机运动的粒子的伸展总量。
Stretch Particles
Determines how the particles are rendered. 确定粒子如何被渲染
The particles are rendered as if facing the camera.粒子好像面对镜头被渲染
The particles are facing the direction they are moving. 粒子面对它们正在移动的方向
The particles are sorted by depth. Use this when using a blending material. 粒子按深度分类。当使用混合材质时用这个选项。
All particles are aligned flat along the X/Z axes. 所有的粒子沿X / Z轴对准平面
All particles are aligned flat along the X/Y axes. 所有的粒子沿X / Y轴对准平面
Length Scale
If Stretch Particles is set to Stretched, this value determines how long the particles are in their direction of motion. 如果展开粒子设置为伸展,这个值决定粒子在其运动方向有多长。
Velocity Scale
If Stretch Particles is set to Stretched, this value determines the rate at which particles will be stretched, based on their movement speed. 如果展开粒子设置为伸展,这个值决定粒子将被拉伸的比率,以它们的运动速率为基准
UV Animation
If either of these are set, the UV coordinates of the particles will be generated for use with a tile animated texture. See the section on Animated Textures below. 如果任何一个被设置,粒子的UV坐标将使用动画纹理来生成。查看下面关于动画纹理的部分
X Tile X贴片
Number of frames located across the X axis.横穿X轴的帧数
Y Tile Y贴片
Number of frames located across the Y axis.横穿Y轴的帧数
Cycles 循环
How many times to loop the animation sequence.动画序列的循环次数
Particle Renderers are required for any Particle Systems to be displayed on the screen.
A Particle Renderer makes the Gunship's engine exhaust appear on the screen一个粒子渲染器使武装直升机的发动机排气出现在屏幕上
Choosing a Material(选择材质)
When setting up a Particle Renderer it is very important to use an appropriate material and shader that renders both sides of the material. Most of the time you want to use a Material with one of the built-in Particle Shaders. There are some premade materials in the Standard Assets->articles->Sources folder that you can use.
1. Select Assets->Create Other->Material from the menu bar.
2. The Material has a shader popup, choose one of the shaders in the Particles group. Eg. Particles->Multiply.
3. Now assign a Texture. The different shaders use the alpha channel of the textures slightly differently, but most of the time a value of black will make it invisible and white in the alpha channel will display it on screen.
By default particles are rendered billboarded. That is simple square sprites. This is good for smoke and explosions and most other particle effects.
Particles can be made to either stretch with the velocity. This is useful for sparks, lightning or laser beams. Length Scale and Velocity Scale affects how long the stretched particle will be.
Sorted Billboard can be used to make all particles sort by depth. Sometimes this is necessary, mostly when using Alpha Blended particle shaders. This can be expensive and should only be used if it really makes a quality difference when rendering.
Particle Systems can be rendered with an animated tile texture. To use this feature, make the texture out of a grid of images. As the particles go through their life cycle, they will cycle through the images. This is good for adding more life to your particles, or making small rotating debris pieces.