新保加利亚大学 - 索非亚
新保加利亚大学 - 索非亚
New Bulgarian University (Bulgarian: Нов български университет, also known and abbreviated as НБУ, NBU) is a private university based in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Its campus is located in the western district of the city, known for its proximity to the Vitosha nature park, and consists of two buildings (Building 1 and Building 2) housing the Aula, Library, University Theater, NBU Museum, UniArt Gallery, Medical Center and a Sports Center surrounded with open green spaces. The university has more than 100 halls, computer labs, language and simultaneous interpreting labs, a Mock Courtroom, an Arts Center with practice rooms and studios for students of music, fine arts, design and architecture with a total capacity of 2 500 seats.
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